Carolina Reapers Are No Joke

    by SpencerTwatson


    1. They aren’t the hottest peppers anymore.

      Pepper X is almost 400,000 scoville hotter.

      Of course, they are still stupidly hot, but even hot pepper lovers are scared of pepper X.

    2. eeeeeeeeEeeEEeeeE6 on

      Oh sure they are hot, and they burn and it’s no joke.

      But what no one tells you if you don’t know chilli, if you don’t get those seeds out, *you will wish all it did was burn*.

      I had my Carolina reaper for a laugh, ooh, ow very hot was funny for about 5 seconds and then just ridiculously hot.

      But, eventually got over it, little shaken, a bit tired, decided time for a nap.

      Woke up about 40 minutes later with an *intense* need to shit, I don’t remember standing or sitting up, one moment I was lying down, the next I was halfway to the toilet, touchdown with no mess, cool.

      Suddenly I felt like my whole body was burning up, just absolutely drenched in sweat, couldn’t go, didn’t wanna risk getting off the toilet, and then I felt like someone had set my stomach on fire from the inside, like a seriously bad pain, decide I’m gonna risk shitting myself to ask my partner for help got two feet from the toilet door before my vision started to go black, lay down face first on the floor holding my stomach, and trying not to die or shit myself, my partner stumples across me maybe 15 minutes later and shrieks but then starts laughing her ass off, gets me a cold bottle of water and a peice of bread with a smear of Nutella on it.

      I smash it all down and maybe a minute and a half later, totally fine, get up from the absolute puddle of sweat and laugh too but I definitely did not know that was a thing chilli’s could do.

    3. BenevenstancianosHat on

      ‘my whole body is vibrating dude! i need ice cream brah!’

      if you find this shit entertaining, I invite you to pucker my taint

    4. I’ve eaten one and it was awful. But I got a worse reaction when eating a habenero despite it being significantly less spicy. Make sure to chew them properly or you’re in for a really bad time afterwards.

    5. CreamPuffDelight on

      i’ve eaten one of those before. The initial burn was bad, but the worst part of it that people don’t tell you is how their asshole ALSO burns for the next week or so.

      And i was the lucky one.

      There was another guy who ate one of those with me, and he had **hemorrhoids**.

      Long story short, he ended up in the hospital after we found him sobbing, screaming and squirming on the toilet floor, and to this day, has an intense fear of chili.

    6. I grew some of these last year and I put them in bolognaise and taco sauce. They were only a little bit spicy and nothing like these guys were going through. Does cooking them significantly reduce the heat or did I just grow weak ass chillis?

    7. I had a hot sauce from Pepper Palace in Monterey and they have you sign a waiver to test the hot sauce out. It’s called The Flatline: The End and it was spicy and makes your body feel really hot. It’s mixed with a bunch of those high scoville peppers extracts, but I’m used to eating really spicy food and what I have told people and my friends was that if you don’t know what you’re doing or aren’t use to eating spicy foods do not try eating peppers like the Carolina Reaper or even extract sauces because they can kill you and people have died. Don’t do them for the lulz it can end bad if you aren’t use to them.

    8. Man I don’t understand why people make these things and eat them. I understand adding some spice, but the kind that literally causes you pain on the way in and out is bonkers.

    9. I can eat really spicy food, even naga /Carolina. But would never just eat one straight up like this…

    10. I’ve made jelly with these, oh my God, somehow I got some on my finger’s, even wearing gloves. When I showered afterwards, I got it in my eyes and downstairs. It was horrible! Maybe the steam from cooking got on my skin, I dunno, but I’m not making jelly ever again.

    11. We already KNOW they are no joke because of the million other videos of other dumbshits stupidly putting them in their mouth. You aren’t telling us anything we don’t already know.


    12. Lot of people that don’t know that capsaicin is disolved in fats and alcohol. While milk has some fat, it is all water, so it spread the capsaicin thus making it worst. Also, our cold receptors and our heat-spicy receptors are two differents things, so ice cream would just make your brain glitch having to process cold and heat in your mouth. If your really wanna get rid off the spiciness, sip some olive oil or take some high grade alcohol. That’s why Mexico use spicy food with Tequila.

    13. I tried this once w/ a ghost pepper. It was a thumbnail sized piece. Was shitting explosive fiery diarrhea the next day. I have minimal spice tolerance since then (11 years ago) and have lingering GI issues

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