You’re stupid in three languages

    by Big-Departure4414


    1. username-is-taken98 on

      Listen man I’m here to pay my bills, and you’re the one spending 10 bucks on coffee. Which cup.

    2. Well, “grande” is a word in Italian too and it means “large” or “big”, as it does in Spanish.

    3. Ambitious_Story_47 on

      “Listen mate, I am paid minimum wage and boss will fire me if I don’t use the right terminology.’

    4. Animated-By-Spite on

      That’s 5 “h”s too much buddy and now you have two options presented before you. You can either correct your spelling and only have lost 1 downvote (mine that I just cast 😉 or you can choose to leave your bastardized form of the English language on exhibition and get a few hundred downvotes. Since you only have 2k karma in 2 years on reddit I recommend you choose wisely 😉

    5. Zealousideal-Try2203 on

      How much arrogance… Order your fucking coffee and let me work in peace, you moron.

      Stupid in three languages… You are a universal cretin!

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