System is Failing

    by Henry-Teachersss8819


    1. Henry-Teachersss8819 on

      Germany here. My father apprenticed as a metalworker for a local mining company at 16 years old. Here worked there until retirement without ever being more than a regular worker and he made enough to rent a 2-story townhouse with garden, basement and attic for his wife and his two kids, which he also had to care for with his salary alone.

      I’m single with a moderate salary and I couldn’t rent a two-room appartment for myself without spending half of my monthly salary on it. How the fuck would I even be able to support three additional people

    2. There needs to be a system where it’s not frowned upon to live with your parents as an adult. You’re all adults can figure out a, groceries etc. Living on your own is expensive. Why not live in the likely already paid off home for a bit to build savings/credit.

      Unless you or your parents are assholes, then that’s a whole nother issue

    3. SeriousPlankton2000 on

      Living with the parents isn’t a bad thing. Having to live with them despite small apartments or despite a bad relationship is.

    4. No_Substance5930 on

      Doubling tax on land lords property portfolios, not allowing massive corporations to buy out blocks of flats as “investment” , limiting how many properties a private land lord can have as rented accommodation, and of course rent control.

      Make it as hard and as expensive for them to be land lords and watch the costs tumble. Except of course we know half our politicians are land lords and the other half are either related too or are lobbied by land lord and we see why it’s all broken

    5. The system works exactly how it’s supposed to work. The creators are just lying about what it’s supposed to do.

    6. The system is working exactly as intended, the rich are getting richer and the poor are struggling more with each lassing year, meanwhile they’ve been groomed by the elites to focus on hating each other instead of them.

      Anyone who thinks the system has ever been intended for commoners is a fool.

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