He’s suggesting a literal purge now.

    by G-Unit11111


    1. But he commits a lot of crimes and presumably would be safely behind bulletproof glass, so no matter what happens anywhere else a huge crime wave would continue.

      (To be serious and clear, the whole thing is a remarkably dumb idea.)

    2. everythingbeeps on

      Actually it’s even worse. He’s saying that for a day the police can be as brutal as they want for whatever petty crimes they want.

      You know, like the Nazis.

    3. thiscouldbemassive on

      Who let this guy watch the Purge? Didn’t they learn their lesson with Silence of the Lambs?

    4. i wonder if he’s asking cops to spank criminals with rolled up magazines with ivanka on the cover.

      # Report: Porn Star Says Trump Asked Her To Spank Him With Forbes Magazine

      >For someone who allegedly signed a confidentiality agreement, porn star Stormy Daniels is doing Donald Trump no favors.

      >A report in Mother Jones magazine says Trump asked Daniels to spank him with a rolled-up Forbes magazine — an issue that featured him and two of children Ivanka and Don Jr. on the cover.


      forbes magazine from 2006:


    5. Yet nothing is being done with the doj with old man garland being asleep. Who gives a fuck about one’s political side, prosecute trump and be done with it. You have to show trump that justice matters.

    6. It’s like that movie where innocent people are terrorised with violence on the streets by a giant lizard monster, except Godzilla is a police officer.

    7. This is what MAGATs want. However, instead of criminals it will be anyway that’s not aligned with their god emperor, and it won’t be for just a day.

    8. I think simple minded trump needs to have the movies he watches monitored. He can’t handle silence of the lambs and apparently now the purge. Need to keep him on the hallmark channel. That’s what they do in assisted living.

    9. Okay I actually watched the video… there wasn’t a mention of any ending crimes. Also insane amount of jump edits. I’m personally voting for Kamala because I like democracy but this ain’t it Chief.

    10. Break out the brown shirts and go for it? Geez why doesn’t he just hold his rallies in German?

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