JD Vance says adults without children should have their taxes raised because we should “punish the things that we think are bad”

    by Jlx_27


    1. Many republicans will be disgusted with this comment – only because he wants to raise taxes.

    2. The party that espouses how they support your freedom to be yourself, without regulation, wants to penalise or stop:

      Those without children;
      Those that want an abortion;
      Those that want to read books;
      Those that want to attend a book reading by someone in fancy dress;
      Those that want to support their child in necessary medical care;

      Etc, etc, etc.

      It’s just tiering about how many things that the party of freedom doesn’t want you to do.

    3. So childless people pay higher taxes, and also can’t vote. Is he aware of what took place in a little harbor about 251 years ago?

    4. forever_useless on

      I love how these chucklefucks only want to punish citizens. LGBT+, single people, childless cat ladies and childless cat dudes, IVF seekers, women seeking reproductive health care, immigrants…the list goes on. And THAT is supposed to be the party of small government? Do they do anything to benefit anyone but themselves? Like..ever?

    5. Left-Requirement-714 on

      They already do pay higher taxes. There’s not as many deductions for them to take advantage of. How about we tax extreme levels of wealth and corporations. Just a thought

    6. So do you get taxed if you have no kids at 18? 21? The fuck is this shit? How is there still a real chance this couch fucker could become Vice-President?!

    7. Many_Advice_1021 on

      Check out the far right Theo Bros. A right wing Christian nationalist group aimed at angry young men ? Know them by their beards .

    8. itsmeEllieGeeAgain on

      Is this for people without children, currently? Or people who have already had kids that are now adults? If the latter; what about people who had a kid, but then that kid died?

      Asking for an aunt that doesn’t give a f*ck unless it will affect her, personally. K, thanks.

    9. yeah, every single adult without kids is totally doing that purely by choice to undermine the glorious quiverfull christian empire of americastan you dumb motherfucker. and even if it is by choice, also the fuck? this is stupid and self-defeating to even vocalize I cannot understand why he is saying it.

    10. I agree. I think we should punish oil subsidies, they are bad. Punish Republicans, they are bad. Dems win all 3 in nov, I still agree with jd

    11. NoLibrarian5149 on

      Sooo if someone is unable to have kids, or just doesn’t want them, they pay more in JD the Couch-fuckers perfect world?

      Broadcast this from the rooftops at full blast, along with all his other shitty takes.

    12. jd vance watching and making sure you’re giving birth, repeatedly, and often, because he thinks without kids, you’re nothing and no one. rape, incest, or otherwise, he wants every woman to be birthing.


      # Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance argues against need for rape and incest exceptions in abortion laws

      >J.D. Vance, the author and venture capitalist running for the GOP nomination for a Senate seat from Ohio, this week defended the Texas abortion law and **argued against the need for exceptions for rape and incest in such restrictive statutes, downplaying such circumstances as “inconvenient.”**

      >When asked during a local interview whether abortion laws should include **exceptions for rape and incest, Vance, a Republican, said he thinks “two wrong don’t make a right.”**


    13. Jelly Dick, it’s none of your business who does or doesn’t want kids, you slump-shouldered motherfucker.

    14. Who is this “we”? Punish people WE think are bad…?

      I think you’re a horrible, weird politician with WAY too much interest in people’s reproductive lives.

      I hope you loose and struggle with unemployment, you strange, deplorable person.

    15. I do appreciate his candid ability to say the quiet part out loud repeatedly. It’s doing great work for the Harris campaign.

    16. I am *convinced* those kids aren’t his. It’s always fucking projection, so this must be his dark secret.

    17. What is with this dude and childless people? This is fuckin weird right? He’s obsessed (and upset) with the idea that some adults don’t have kids. WTF?!

    18. Not toxic at all to frame taxes as punishment instead of a necessary and just contribution to a working society.

    19. On the other hand i’d like to see taxes raised on irresponsible breeders. The ones with six kids and zero attention span.

    20. So punishing the things we think are bad means JD Vance is going to have to pay 75% of his income for taxes

    21. carefree-and-happy on

      Or, we could restore the child tax credit back to the 2021 plan, provide single payer healthcare, subsidized daycare for all, 3 years maternity/paternity leave, free college and other basic benefits that encourage people to have kids.

    22. It’s like he watched a bunch of Mike Myers movies and thought the comically stupid evil bad guys were the role models he had been looking for all his life.

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