Gotta make a choice…

    by Zealousideal-Rule-24


    1. People says homophobic too easily nowadays, even if you don’t like a color for a dildo you’re getting burned.

      (About the post: interracial soft lesbian is the real thing, other is boring)

    2. San_Diego_Wildcat_67 on

      It’s like what that one famous British dude said. How can I be a homophobe when I love watching two women have sex?

    3. Acrobatic_Entrance on

      So what the term for men who don’t like homosexual males, but are ok with homosexual females?

      Semi-homophobes? Selective homophobes? Same sex homophobes?

    4. Prior-Wallaby2097 on

      Not really, there is little action. Without men’s equipment there isn’t much happening…

    5. I remember a guy i knew who hated gay people but said lesbians were ok. I then had to explain to him how lesbians and gay dudes were essentially the same thing but he wouldn’t budge

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