True Story

    by SachVntura


    1. MilleniumPelican on

      The facepalm is that he was arrested. WTF. Let people die with the level of dignity they choose to. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll seems like a better way to go than most…

    2. We should all hope to be so lucky to have someone that dedicated to sending us off the way we wanted. I hope my family has half this much decency when my time comes.

    3. OldTiredAnnoyed on

      What exactly was he arrested for though? A nursing home isn’t a prison. They can’t prevent family from taking someone home unless there’s a court order.

    4. This ain’t a facepalm this is a good ass husband. Not everyone knows it but meth is basically an aphrodisiac so….

    5. CocaineIsNatural on

      Debra Johnson, 69, **died of methamphetamine toxicity**.

      **“Death Parde God Hell”** was in red spray paint on the screen door.

      **A naked Duane Johnson** opened the screen door and screamed, “My wife is dead upstairs,” the charging document stated. He ran back inside saying he “needed to wash this stuff off of (him).”

      The deputy found him sitting in the bathtub in a bathroom on the main floor of the home, the court document said. Johnson told the deputy he had to wash with soap and bleach to get little **black and white “things” off his skin**.

      When the deputy asked why Johnson did not seek medical help for his wife, he told him the last time she was brought to New Ulm Medical Center, “**them (expletives) revived her**” and “them (expletive) in New Ulm **made my life** (expletive).”

      Other responding deputies found Debra Johnson’s body wrapped in a sheet at the top of the stairs, the charging document said. The sheet was held in place by a belt.

      He got **three years in prison** for felony neglect, not third degree murder.

    6. sixcylindersofdoom on

      That’s definitely the face of a guy who’s smoked meth more than once. I’ve only done it once. Definitely a “never fucking again” drug. I had an amazing time and I was awake for like 86hrs straight . I don’t need to do that again.

    7. AdministrativeMix822 on

      Why is this a facepalm? We treat old people as if they have no agency, if she wanted this than hats off to this guy

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