The cumulative IQ in this picture is not even 100

    by MoreMotivation


    1. “Young ladies, young ladies / I like ’em underage, see / Some say that’s statutory” /”But I say it’s mandatory.”

      -Kid Rock lyrics

    2. It’s pretty cruel to use the word “cumulative” “iq” and “100” with this group… ijs

    3. account4garbageonly on

      Jesus, can you even imagine the conversation happening in this room? It’s got to be as bad as it smells!!

    4. ‘Pronoun? What the hell is a pronoun? My pronouns are I’m sick and tired of your pronouns’
      – brought to you by Herschel Walker and his *remove the education department* crew

    5. Fabulous-Attempt6656 on

      Also looks like Colby Covington talking to Hershel and I think that is chip kelly next to kid rock as well

    6. what an interesting cast of deranged psychos lol.

      i almost forgot who katie britt is, now it’s all coming back.

      >Locked in a kitchen, Britt appeared on the verge of tears for more than 17 minutes as she complained about the curtailing of rights (but didn’t refer to the reversal of *Roe v. Wade*), used a sexual assault anecdote from a migrant sex-trafficked by a Mexican cartel (while arguing that we should restrict asylum into the United States), and accused Biden of making the country look bad while international threats loom, like Vladimir Putin’s escalations in Ukraine (while failing to mention former President Donald Trump’s cozy relationship with the Russian dictator).


    7. platinumdragon7 on

      What happened to all of the songs about not liking dudes from New York City. Hank went from being a country boy to a butt kisser.

    8. Alabama, here – I want to apologize deeply for our failure as a state to produce proper turnout and allowing Britt and Flubberville to obtain power.

      Britt was already a known problem child under former Sen Richard Shelby. She was basically deemed an incumbent when Shelby retired. Shelby was no saint, but could be swayed to the center often enough. Britt is simply a less insane MTG or Bobblehead. Just as crazy but not as attention-hungry as her idiot peers.

      Flubberville is a hand-picked, paid bad actor who has the stench of failure and corruption saturating his existence. He was selected solely for his washed up NCAA football name recognition and his unwavering loyalty to MAGA.

      I wish we had proper voter turnout to send both of them packing.

    9. Not Hank Williams Jr🤦🏻‍♂️ although, I guess I should’ve known. If heaven ain’t a lot like Dixie, he don’t want to go🙄

    10. Barbarella_ella on

      Also Senator Steve Daines (R) of Montana on the other side of Kid Rock. You many remember him as one of the group of GOP morons who visited Russia on the Fourth of July holiday in 2018. Then he posted pictures to try and claim he had been in Washington D.C. but people pointed out the photos were not from 2018 but a year or two earlier. Spineless, chinless shitweasel.

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