America’s last election?🤔

    by javelin3000


    1. Meanwhile Trump said there is no need to ever vote again if he wins and he’ll be dictator for a day (which, you know, dictatos are notorious for giving up power🙄). All this projection makes me wonder which Republicans are snacking on cats and dogs…

    2. LightMission4937 on

      …..says the degenerate illegal immigrant from south Africa turned citizen.

      Ketamine brain rot.

    3. You’d think with all the court losses the GOP has taken trying to claim DNC fraud that they’d eventually give up this charade. Alas, here we are

    4. The major parties policy should reflect what voters want.
      There is no problem staying relevant, they just need to change their policies to reflect what people want. That’s the way it’s supposed to work.

    5. Let me quote Trump real quick.

      “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it any more. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians.“

      “That statement is very simple, I said, ‘Vote for me, you’re not gonna have to do it ever again,’ it’s true, because we have to get the vote out. Christians are not known as a big voting group, they don’t vote. And I’m explaining that to them. You never vote. This time, vote. I’ll straighten out the country, you won’t have to vote any more, I won’t need your vote any more, you can go back to not voting.”

    6. OverallElephant7576 on

      It’s interesting to me that if the party you support loses every time that he considers it the end of democracy and not a function of democracy actually at work as the majority of people are voting for the other party. Might be some time for some party reflection at that point

    7. …says the immigrant with a right wing platform, looking to manipulate an election.

      The fucking projection is off the scale…

    8. Trump told me if I voted as a Christian I wouldn’t have to worry about voting any more.

      This must have been what he meant.


    9. So they’ve given up on the lie of asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants being able to vote and now it’s “they’re fast tracked to citizenship”? 

      Are they just hoping that voters won’t know how to look this up? Because it’s the exact same amount of time for asylum seekers as it is for everyone else: 5 years.

      Which, is AFTER the next election lol.

      Also does no one understand the difference between citizenship and permanent residents? I couldn’t find anything that stated asylum seekers get to avoid paying the ~$800 extra for citizenship.

    10. Suspicious_Gas151 on

      What is the name of that tactic where you accuse the side of whatever you is that you are currently doing?

    11. Republicans are so dumb thst they don’t understand that most Hispanic and Asian immigrants are naturally conservative. Yes, most are religious, often anti-abortion if Catholic, family oriented, and fiscally conservative.

      If Republicans weren’t so busy hating on immigrants and embraced and welcomed them instead then they’d probably gain 2 to 1 in party registrations when the immigrants become citizens.

      Do they not understand what is happening in Florida?

    12. dirtdaubersdosting on

      For a group that hates “foreigners”, they sure do listen to foreigners like Musk and Rupert Murdoch.

    13. Let me sum up:

      If Harris gets elected, there will be less roadblocks to immigrants becoming legal citizens.

      If immigrants become legal citizens, they are eligible to vote, like every other legal citizen.

      If the majority of people living here legally are allowed to vote, the Republicans will have a really hard time getting into office.

      Tax-Evading-Billionaire-Immigrant says this would be the end of democracy, even though it sounds like a function of democracy.

    14. Wait, so let’s pretend what he claims is true. That these illegal immigrants have a pathway to citizenship somehow within 4 years of the next election (that’s the claim here right?).

      So how will new citizens voting mean there will not be anymore elections?

    15. Excellent_Routine589 on

      Californian here… does this fucking idiot not realize we still pick conservative governors? Governor Arnie wasn’t even that far back and he was under the conservative party

      FFS, one of the biggest acts of immigrant amnesty happened under Ronald Reagan… A CONSERVATIVE. HE WAS THE ONE RESPOSIBLE FOR THE VERY 1986 AMNESTY BILL HE IS PROLLY REFERENCING.

    16. If San Francisco is so terrible, why does this scumbag continue to live there? He’s free to leave at any time. 🙄

    17. Isn’t Trump literally telling Christians out loud that if they vote for him they will never have to vote again?

    18. Trump literally said people won’t have to vote again if he wins. And this Space Karen is trying to say the day one dictator is the only hope for democracy? Slow down on the ketamine, Elon.

    19. Yet this piece of shit remains in California.

      All of this rhetoric is thinly veiled replacement theory bullshit. A large portion of the United States’ future growth will need to be from immigration if the birth rate continues the way it is. Oh wait, I’ve heard someone recently getting all weird about Americans needing to breed. Who was that? That’s right, Fuckface McGillicutty, king of Mars.

    20. Parking_Tomorrow_413 on

      Or, hear me out, the republicans could become a less extreme group of nutballs that are nearly impossible to vote for in good conscience?

    21. yoshinoyaandroll on

      Why is this guy spreading misinformation and propaganda, isn’t it enough his family did that in South Africa and made their riches exploiting the people, now he’s trying to do the same for the USA?

    22. Fragrant_Example_918 on

      The Democratic Party isn’t the party putting election deniers on election certification boards… just saying.

    23. All they gotta do is:

      -Ensure that 2 million immigrants gain legal status in the next 4 years

      -create an elaborate registration system to monitor these new citizens and then disperse them (forcibly I guess?) evenly across 6-7 swing states

      -continue to monitor them and make sure they vote in significantly higher percentages than normal ass citizens who they can’t quite manage to get to the polls

      -somehow convince them to cast their votes ONLY for the Democratic Party

      It’s so simple

    24. Hey, remember when Texas started bussing illegals to Martha’s Vineyard? Kinda feels like blaming the Democrats is less than half the story.

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