finally he’s made a good point! we don’t want him here!

    by Someguy9385


    1. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

      Ok Rapists first-let’s get you on a plane Donnie-only problem is finding a country that will take you off our hands.

    2. “Comrade Kamala” wasn’t sticking apparently, so he’s back to using “Lyin”.

      You already used that one on Ted Cruz and like five other people, you sad sack of shit. 🙄

    3. Wasn’t this guy president once before and let the same thing happen? Isn’t he the same guy that dismantled the Pandemic Response Team and tried to privatize the FAA and give Saudi Arabia nukes? Yes he was.

    4. justdoubleclick on

      And his modeling agency was accused of human trafficking by several former models. They said they weren’t paid what was promised and never given proper work visas so were threatened with deportation if they didn’t do everything they were told.

    5. Trump is at least 2 of those things, but he’s a home grown rapist/trafficker so that makes it better somehow?

    6. Better not let all those privately owned for profit prisons know you plan to get rid of their source of income, Donnie. They won’t like it.

    7. LectureAgreeable923 on

      Trump, the pathological liar calling someone else one.I guess Trump is projecting again ,he can’t handle the truth or being fact checked. That’s why Kamala kicked his ass in the debate.

    8. TRUMP does not want competition in those categories. Ironically these are all the accusations that have been leveled on him

    9. Can you imagine doubling down on immigration woes after putting out the word to kill an immigration bill because you wanted to make sure you could run on immigration during the election?

      The only people who seem to see a problem with that are people voting for Kamala anyway.

    10. Wait. Is she Comrade Kamala or Lyin’ Kamala? When was there a nickname switch? Did I miss something?

    11. Hmm, rapist and um convicted felon, con man on his ironic and hypocritical soap box. The fear mongering is all he has left now. Daily he spews the rhetoric and falsehoods with nothing else to offer.

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