I ordered a water with my food from Papa Johns and the cashier took money out of the register and bought the water from the vending machine

    by Storgasaur


    1. Kitchen-Pack-9177 on

      I once had a similar thing happen at a fast food place where they had to run out back for ketchup. 

    2. Imagine your boss telling you to get the water out of a vending machine for customers as a solution to whatever problem this is.

      I’d walk tf out. 

    3. I mean, the machine was right there. I probably would have done the same thing, but with a healthy dose of passive aggression.

    4. Impossible-Gas3551 on

      You use the term cashier… Did you mean to say delivery person or you picked up in person? I’m trying to think of a situation where the pizza shop has vending machines.

      If it’s a delivery person, there’s a chance they forgot it at the store and used their tips to buy one for you to solve the problem….

    5. If the price you paid was the same as the machine I don’t see the problem. Maybe their drink fridge is broken or this is a shared use machine.

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