Kenzo the Tiger playing with a puppy

    by TheEmperorofDarkness


    1. Pup looks like a “Two-bite Brownie” 😁
      They probably have to give the dog a bath given how much slobber it’s covered with. They look like best buddies.

    2. I grew up near a place called the African Lion Safari and as a kid, my mum worked there and got to know all the animal trainers. I have pictures of 8 year old me, my younger brother, and our yellow lab rolling around the kitchen floor playing with tiger cubs.

    3. Zookeeper filming “ please don’t eat it please don’t eat it please don’t eat it 🙏🤞🙏”

    4. ComprehensiveInjury7 on

      I’ve always wondered – why does the dog get a pass and a human gets eaten?

      Looks like there’s a trainer there, and large cats are definitely known to turn on them. Do we just not see the one time the tiger eats the dog?

    5. Kenzo propably grew up with the pup’s parent. You can see an adult dog in the frame towards the end. Uncle Kenzo is just playing with this nibling pup

    6. Clear_Chemical_9896 on

      This is so incredibly stupid and abusive. The moron in the background deserves to be shot

    7. Tigers are known to be without manners nor morals. As you can see in this video, this one is playing with his food.

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