South Carolina loses power briefly, forcing kids to be kids

    by trentluv


    1. AbleAbbreviations871 on

      “Forcing kids to be kids again” feck off with that, just cause the kids of today aren’t reliving your experiences as a child doesn’t mean they aren’t acting like normal kids.

    2. ContactMushroom on

      Briefly my ass lol I’m on day 3 no power with the ETA going to Friday for everyone to have it back again.

    3. This is what my streets look like often when we have no power issues. My daughter is always roaming the neighborhood with a pack of kids on bikes. Going to the nearby park and playing. Outside playing basketball. And so on. Hell, there is a basketball goal in the photo. Probably doesn’t take a power outage for kids to use it.

    4. This is completely tactless

      You know people have no water, no power, no gas, no cell reception from this storm?

      This is an unprecedented disaster.

    5. When y’all boomers don’t have HOAs that call cops on kids for being outside they do shit like this.

    6. Boomers are the type to complain that kids don’t go outside enough but then complain about noise from kids being outside

    7. brbmycatexploded on

      God, just shut up. Every generation that’s ever existed has said the same shit about the next generation of kids, and it’s always been blowhard bullshit. Kids do with what they have. If they have nothing but technology surrounding them of course they’re going to use it.

      And what does it say that while those kids were outside enjoying themselves, you took a picture from your bedroom window like a creep?

    8. Sorry our world being polluted by so much shit forces us to stay inside sometimes, Jesus, let kids do what they want

    9. WillemDafoesHugeCock on

      Fuck off, mate. People have died from this storm and you’re photographing kids to post online.

    10. “Augh! The kids are revolting!”

      “I know! That’s why we’re not having any! That and the lack of social support, a good education, and general understanding and safety!”

    11. Was a fun way to grow up. My entire neighborhood was poor but we all were part of one kid’s group, we had different ages and different games or things going on at once. The older kids would tell us about upper level school while we’d watch the even younger kids in case they got hurt; everyone knew they were poor so it was a level playing field. I remember us putting all our money together to buy a basketball and a cheap pump from china, we were so excited that we forgot we needed a hoop to play so we used it to play soccer instead. A simpler time, I wonder how they’re doing now…

    12. “South Carolina loses power briefly” Depending on where in SC you are right now I don’t know what the fuck your definition of “brief” is. We’ve been without power for 3, going on 4 days. Shut the hell up.

    13. TheAlbrecht2418 on

      Dude, we had this cockamamie techwhatsits called the electronic games when I was a kid, complete with LAN and interweb lobbies on the com-pooter and x-whozits, but this was a frequent sight in our neighborhood as well.

      I get screen time has gotten worse with time but this isn’t uncommon to see.

    14. itsfairadvantage on

      Holy shit these comments…

      Pretending that the smartphone-accessible internet *hasn’t* harmed kids is an insane level of head-in-the-sand nonsense. The data on teen mental (and physical) health trends are not ambiguous in their inflection points. Dismissing the dozens of books and hundreds of studies demonstrating this is crazy.

      Yes, it’s a little weird to take a picture of some kids playing basketball during a natural disaster and make it about something else, but OP is not wrong about how we’ve been screwing kids over for the last fifteen years or so.

    15. It ain’t so brief, lost power Friday and probably won’t have it back until next Friday. Shit sucks.

    16. no power wont do much to me when i have at least 3 to 4 days of power bank storage on reserve at any given time. only real difference is i wont have pc access.

    17. Conscious-Ticket-259 on

      Even in hot ass tucson kids still play like kids. Idk what’s up with people acting like kids don’t play anymore but it’s pretty silly

    18. This just screams “ok boomer”. Like you’re also in your house taking pictures of kids outside so I wouldn’t be acting so judgemental and all

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