Great question!

    by monaleeparis


    1. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      Yea, but you get all kinds of great stuff in return for your money. NFT’s, bibles, shoes, coins, etc. Just imagine how much all that stuff is going to be worth in a few years. It’s an investment!

    2. It’s all because of socialism! If they could eliminate socialism and immigration they all would be living in million dollar mansions!! /s

    3. Those aren’t the people financing these people. It’s middle class 70yo grandmothers.

    4. I don’t have to imagine it, I can see it all around me. 70% of the houses and vehicles sporting tRUmp stickers could double as roach motels.

    5. Icy_Huckleberry_8049 on

      I don’t get it either. Why do people do this? He’s a billionaire and yet people are still sending him money.

    6. That’s because the guy living there thinks it’s only a matter of time until he becomes the neighbor by voting him in

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