In 1960, David Latimer planted spiderwort Sprout inside a large glass bottle, added a quarter pint of water, and then sealed it shut. He opened bottle 12 years later in 1972 to add some water and then sealed it for good. The self contained ecosystem has flourished for more than 60 years.

    by Mr_Mcgillicuddy_


    1. Luminous-Dreams_ on

      I can’t keep a houseplant alive for a week, and this guy’s got a whole ecosystem thriving in a bottle. Impressive!

    2. This is amazing, thanks for sharing.

      For some reason I am being compelled by my crazy brain to point out the system is receiving light from outside the system.

    3. Has anyone asked the Spiderwort Sprout whether it’s claustrophobic. After 60 years in the same place, I’d be bored shitless.

    4. I’ve got an aquarium jar with an Anubias Nana that’s been surviving on its own for like 10 years. Added water once because it’s not perfectly sealed. That’s it.


    5. SquirrelizedReddit on

      Looks like a bunch of dead plants matter at the bottom, this ecosystem won’t exist forever unless he adds some insects that eat that plant matter.

    6. Pro: break it and you’ll heal yourself, the rest of the group, the nearest town’s entire population and your grandpa at your starting village on the other end of the continent.

      Con: clogs your inventory weight

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