A MAGAt posted this

    by Quirky-Material9725


    1. Friendly reminder: Register for voting. Voter registration ends very soon (in some states). Remind everyone you know to register. I mean, literally everyone. Just a small mention within small talk.

      Because under Project 2025, November vote can be the last vote in your life.


    2. What’s wrong?

      I don’t see any falsities here.

      Regardless if it’s a MAGAt or a Demonrat that posted, it’s 100% accurate.

    3. Spiritual_Ear2835 on

      Thanks for establishing that the republi-CAN’TS and demo-CONS are the same party with the same lowkey goals.

      Even project 2025 was used against democons (saying they came up with it and support it) 😂😂😂😂

      You see the buffoonery yet?

    4. UCthrowaway78404 on

      pretty sure free money to israel should be on the bottom.

      it funny as a non american, the “we can’t have” & “we can have” is basically both parties. both republicans and democrats can be accused for those. there is very little between them.

      these meme should be coming from the green party or libertarian party aginst both democrats and republicans.

    5. Have Maga gone so far to the right, they’ve crested the circle?? All those top things, according to MAGA, are SoCiAlIsM.

    6. Guarantee this is another idiot right winger who was screaming at liberals that they hate freedom because they don’t support Bush 20 years ago

    7. Used_Intention6479 on

      Notice how the things we can’t afford are “people”, and the things we “can” afford are corporate.

    8. MAGA is a strange bunch. You of course have your racists, misogynists, bigots of all stripes and occasionally a sensible one like this.

    9. What many people don’t realise is that many of the changes we need to make to solve climate change would actually be cheaper than not doing them. Stuff like replacing gas/coal with wind/solar actually saves money.

      There are 2 reasons we aren’t doing it (enough) apathy (not doing something is easier) and corporate lobbying

    10. Neither party is going to be able to “afford” the top stuff. It’s how elections are won and, if we fix it, nobody has anything to promise to fix.

    11. Nah, maga wouldn’t know about that F-35. This was posted by a Bernie bro. Bernie absolutely could not shut up about that financial hole of a stealth jet.

    12. No way a MAGA supporter posted this since it talks about the environment, education, feeding the poor and republicans hate those things

    13. Voting means nothing. We live in a WAR economy people. It makes no difference who you vote for when your government is completely controlled by war crazed, Religiously righteous zealots who think they are the “chosen.”

    14. Tankie propaganda. Anyone crying about the F35 costing 1trillion got that talking point from a Russian.

      First. It’s estimated 1.5trillion over the lifetime of the airframe, from training to maintenance, all the way to FUCKING 2070, 50 years of service. Which is entirely reasonable. The F16 that it’s aiming to replace (single seat multirole) has been in service since the 70s.

      Second. It’s going to SAVE money because we can deploy it across multiple branches like the F16 (Air Force, Navy, and Marines) as opposed to having to develop specific fighters for each branch (F18, F22, uhm… Osprey?)

      Third. The cost is split in aircraft price as well as pilot training. Right now trained F35 pilots are more valuable than the airplane. The cost of an F35 is [$80 million](https://www.airandspaceforces.com/massive-34-billion-f-35-contract-includes-price-drop-as-readiness-improves/) per plane. Meanwhile the cost of the latest batch of F18 was [$76million](https://www.flightglobal.com/fixed-wing/boeing-extends-super-hornet-production-to-2027-with-final-new-build-order-from-usa/157449) a plane. The F35 is only slightly more expensive than the plane we’ve built 2000 of since the 80s. And the F16 (which is more in line with the multirole task the F35 is planned on taking) is also costing about $80million a plane with it’s latest upgrade.

      So altogether now. The F35 is literally just status quo over here as far as $$$. So given the choice of old vs new at the same price, you’re stupid to pick old when the new one is stealthier and higher tech.

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