Campaign slogan

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. I am sure it didn’t even raise an eyebrow at First Church of Redneckia where he “worships” and his pastor talks about Trump as the second coming of Jesus.

    2. Yeah, I saw a dump truck in front of me the other day that said “Trump 2024–stay back 50 ft if this hurts your feelings.” That’s literally all they base their identity on. It would be sad if they weren’t so insufferable.

    3. ResponsibleMilk7620 on

      ✅ True Patriot (after supporting an insurrection against the same country who’s flag he flies in his window

      ✅ Good Christian (spewing hate at everyone who is different than him)

      ✅ Support Law & Order (by voting for a convicted felon who is trying to bypass the judicial system for his litany of crimes by becoming a dictator)

    4. WaitingForNormal on

      Grammar, punctuation, spelling…reality grades this a C- of course in maga that’s a B+ because of the smooth brain curve.

    5. Groundbreaking_Tip66 on

      How come we never see classy homemade bumper stickers like this for democrats? 🤔 (rhetorical)

    6. 2016 fuck your feelings,
      2020 fuck Joe biden,
      2020 fuck you for voting for him,
      2024 fuck you that’s why.

      Jesus why are they so fantasizing about the word fuck all of a sudden.

    7. This is his base. They’re not concerned about his policies or his plans to be dictator-for-a-day, they just enjoy watching people get mad.

      The car is about to drive off the road and they’re in the back, kicking the seat.

    8. No wonder legalizing weed has become bipartisan. This guy needs go relax. Must be exhausting to be so angry.

    9. This is what their “policy” is. They have none, it’s all about hate. To oppress those they don’t like, understand, or agree with. To vote against the clear moral and popular candidate out of pure spite. They are nothing, nothing but pathetic hateful traitors. They are, indeed, parasites, constantly preaching about the “evils” of certain institutions that they benefit from because their fascist orange turd leader tells them to. They are on the wrong side of history, not just American history but global history, and we will look back at them with mocking laughter and disgust like the loser Confederates.

    10. Tucker-Cuckerson on

      The Right : Fuck you that’s why.

      The Left : Fuck you back then.

      The Right : I’m being cancelled better start a big gay culture war and blame the gays and the immigrants and I’m ready to kill you for Jesus over it! Nevermind the rich paying us less than we’re worth/can live on and slowly bribing politicians to make laws that corral us into a cage of consumerism that’s objectively killing us.

    11. The thing is tRump is not a conservative. He’s a fascist plus he is literally mentally incompetent.

    12. I’ll give ’em credit, if citizen don becomes president again, seriously, fuck me, I guess that’s why.

    13. Multiply by seventy million and the question “who in their right mind would vote for Trump?” is definitively answered.

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