He isn’t very good at hints.

    by ChsHearth


    1. I once had a coworker invite me to her place to “watch TV”. this was mid-90s so I guess it was netflix-and-chill. i thought, “cool we can hang out”. I honestly didn’t think anything would happen. come 1AM and I’m laying on the floor next to her watching TV. still oblivious. it wasn’t until she leaned over and started unbuttoning my shirt that a light in my head went on and a voice yelled “SHE WANTS TO FUCK YOU STUPID”.

    2. Lol this happened to me more than once. The worst was when a girl I liked asked me to help her move. After we were done packing she crashed on the couch. I went over to hug her goodbye, and as we were hugging she said, “mmm… I could stay like this all night.” My response? “WELL GOODNIGHT!”

    3. RealUltimatePapo on

      Poor guy probably ​wishes he could go back in time. Imagine the feeling when it finally dawns on you

    4. I don’t know if this happened to me or not. I was in a fairly vampiric class(demanded all your time, said you shouldn’t take any other classes outside it that semester, forced you to buy expensive tools, you fail the class if you get a D or a C I think, etc) but I did because I needed to have 12 credit hours to qualify for my financial aid. I was absolutely *megablessed* to be taking a class where the prof was like “I don’t take attendence, the only grades are tests of which we will have 4, I hold a study guide lecture the day before the tests.” so I only went to the study guide class and the test class and I was holding an A in there.

      So I go for the last study class for the final and the girl sitting next to me is like you have good grades, can you study with me please? And first off I’m like, how do you know my grades, also I don’t even know your name, we have never spoken before, but whatever. I wasn’t doing great in my vampire class/module and needed to do my grunt work assignment in order to pass. Like it was going to take hours and I hated that class but that assignment was going to be the difference between passing and failing.

      So anyway, I get lost on my way to her apartment after buying some Pizza I agreed to bring, and we chat in her room for like a third of the time before I start us up and keep us on track trying to help her and it was a history class so it was mostly memorization so I just sort of went over it and quizzed her a few times till it got late and then left. Did like half my grunt work assignment and passed out. Failed the module class, but aced thr history one. Don’t remember ever seeing her again but I never regreted it cuz I felt I chose to help someone who reached out rather than grind at something I had been hating nearly all semester and changed paths anyway.

      Much later I considered she may have been working with a different goal in mind. Still don’t regret it, though; whatever the outcome, I’m happy with my reasoning.

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