To Rent or to Buy? That is the question.

    by SoCold40


    1. Buy: Being responsible for those.

      Rent: Being responsible for paying someone else to do those and pay for their house on top of it.

    2. Nothing stopping companies from continuously upping your rent year after year. They’ll never lower it that’s for sure. At least with owning a home you’re locked into your mortgage rate and not only will you own something in the end you’ll also be able to pull equity from it when your housing value goes up.

    3. I mean, yes, that’s the trade-off. One requires more responsibility but offers greater benefits (especially long-term). Apartment living is fine too, but you’ll always be at the mercy of landlords and their neverending rising rents, which aren’t the people I want to depend on.

    4. “I think I want to stick to throwing away my money and paying for someone else’s property because it’s just convenient”.

      If anything, with rates and prices high right now, it’s not the best time for everyone to buy but because you’re lazy and scared of responsibility is an interesting perspective. But hey, it’s honest though.

    5. People are so bad at finances don’t realize they they are paying for all of that as a renter too. They just don’t notice it since the price is baked in. People need to take a monthly mentality when it comes to maintenance for everything not just the house. that car is gonna need $70 dollars a month if you aren’t putting it away when it’s running fine don’t be shocked in 5 months when you need an alternator.

    6. My older sister presented this argument to me since she’s a homeowner and I still rent. I’m not buying it lol. If I can Youtube my way to fixing something in my home, imma do it. I want my house.

    7. At least you can calculate exactly how much your fears will cost you. In the end, might not be that bad given the costs of ownership. Problem is, there’s literally no possibility of upside without owning.

    8. It’s not even all that for me, just committing myself to one place forever is something i don’t want to do.

    9. The constant rent-shaming, even in this thread, is ridiculous. Owning a home isn’t always the best financial move. Rents are increasing yes but they can also not change much.

      The lie that buying a house will immediately result in profit is absurd. If my ac goes out in my apt, they pay to fix it. My friend who owns a home had theirs go out, they had to pay 10k to fix it

    10. If you can afford to own a home, please buy. At least by owning a home you can generate some type of wealth for yourself. And GENERALLY speaking, homes always gain value(I said GENERALLY, yes homes can lose value).

    11. Try to buy outside of an HOA or condo situation. That way you don’t have to do bullshit and expensive repairs unless you want to do them. Had to repaint hard to reach shutters for no reason because previous owners painted them a different shade of green and new hoa was threatening us.

    12. I’m 40 with no kids and have come to the conclusion I’d rather pay for location over a 30 year fixed mortgage that I’ll pay off when I’m 70. I generally stay in the same place 5-10 years so that’s only a couple more moves depending on how long I live. Would be nice to own a house in the beach community where I live but that’s def outta the question.

    13. Unusual_Monitor5265 on

      Sounds like a statement a shill would make to encourage people to not buy, this letting hedge funds buy more.

    14. You’re generally already paying for all that by paying some other person rent. When I was renting it covered the owner’s monthly mortgage other property, the insurance, the taxes, maintenance, lawn care, whatever else, **plus** some on top because “I gotta eat too” (his words).

    15. PinkGlitterFlamingo on

      Home warranty. Basically just like paying insurance: a scam if you don’t use it but VERY helpful when you need it. I’ve been paying for a home warranty for 7 years and have saved THOUSANDS of dollars in repair costs. Two months after I bought my house my entire AC, both inside and outside units, had to be replaced. Cost me $575 out of pocket. A few years later the capacitor went out on the outside unit and it cost me $150. Would have cost three times that just for a cheap reclamation tank. Have had my garbage disposal replaced for $150. Have had my fuse box rewired.

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