Tirah Valley farmer chopping and selling his hash

    by solateor


    1. From OP

      >In the heart of Tirah Valley, a farmer keeps the old traditions alive, selling his hash bucket and chopping it with an axe to measure the weight. A glimpse into the rugged, timeless practices of the valley. 🌿🪓 #TirahTraditions”
      >Islamabad, Pakistan

      Video: @d17islamabad

    2. VirginiaLuthier on

      What my friend learned in the 70’s- hash is indistinguishable from camel shit until you try to smoke it…..

    3. Be honest with me Ankar what percentage of this hash is goat shit? I’m gonna smoke it either way but just tell me.

    4. Aromatic-Side6120 on

      They say god works in mysterious ways. Making hash a cash crop in one of the most repressive societies on earth seems like one of those “wink””wink” mysteries

    5. I wish we could see the fields of weed that made that much hash.

      And while I’m wishing it’d be cool to watch them make it too

    6. In French, an axe is *une hache*. It’s also a verb: hacher. So “Il hache son hash à la hache” could makes sense here.

    7. activelyresting on

      Back in 2001 I was in Zimbabwe and we got word of an accident with a cargo ship off the coast of Mozambique. The rumour going around was that they’d list a cargo container full of hashish and bricks of it were washing up on the shore.

      Some of my friends just up and went there, apparently when they arrived they did indeed find lots of hash bricks, but the locals had been picking it up, and not knowing what it was, were using it like tar to patch their wooden fishing boats.

      I got there a few weeks later, and all the locals are constantly asking me if I was with [friends names]! I guess they made an impression. And there was still some hash to be found around in the market near the beach, $5/kg, they didn’t know what they had!

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