None of this is true or even makes sense

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Ok_Mycologist8555 on

      Even if any of this nonsenses was true, Biden/Harris/Waltz aren’t proposing to end elections. They’d be giving people reasons to vote for them by providing them with citizenship, homes, and social services. People can argue about the merits or legality or even desirability of these actions, bit democracy still exists. The other party would just need to figure out how to also get people to vote for them. That’s like a politician’s main job.

      Trump promised that there would be no more voting if he DID win. And if he didn’t. He “doesn’t need votes.” THAT sounds like a problem for democracy, because it’s literally not democracy.

    2. Ijustlovevideogames on

      *Complains about migrants.* *Is a migrant* Also, how are you going to talk about end of democracy when Trump has straight up admitted he wants to remove the people in power and put in his own people?

    3. Acrobatic_Ad7541 on

      It still tickles my funny bone when Trump supporters talk this type of drivel when it was Trump that forced the GOP into shooting down the most Draconian border bill ever…pick a fucking lane, weirdos.

    4. Register for voting. Voter registration ends within a week (in some states). Hurry up.

      Remind everyone you know to register. Friends, colleagues, extended family. You can’t imagine how huge the impact of just 30 second small talk can be.

      Because under Project 2025, this can be the last vote in your life.


    5. Mindless-Charity4889 on

      Immigrants don’t necessarily vote Democratic Party. And there’s nothing stopping Republicans from appealing more to immigrants. It should be easy, considering that Republicans need cheap labor for agribusiness, construction and hospitality.

    6. LocalInactivist on

      Notice how he uses “migrant”, “illegal immigrant”, and “immigrant” as synonyms? Ironic considering he’s an immigrant.

    7. BetterLight1139 on

      The only thing America needs to become a one-party state is majority vote unimpaired by gerrymandering or the electoral college.

    8. I love how they straight out admit that the GOP is a white nationalist party that has nothing to offer an immigrant, so of course every immigrant will vote Democratic.

    9. It’s incredible to me that conservatives never publicly take the same amount time to question WHY their political parties don’t get fresh, energized membership that isn’t absolutely batshit crazy and instead vomit out garbage like Elmo here.

    10. This is based on so many bad assumptions.
      1) 1 in 20 illegal immigrants are able to become a citizen a year
      2) the illegal who becomes citizen decides to register to vote
      3) the person then decide to cast a vote in that election
      4) the person votes for a straight dem ticket.

      Lets say each has a 50% of success. That’s 0.5 to the power of 4 that results in. 6..25% the person will add to a dem vote.

      Seriously these people needs to stop just “feeling” and start to actually think.

    11. So, Elmo thinks democracy is only good if it’s white conservatives voting.

      If only we had a word for someone who’s afraid non-white and poor people will gain a voice.

    12. Won’t be able to block this insane misinfo bomb on his platform. Quit Xitter while you still can!

    13. DrunkenOlympian on

      “None of this is true or even makes sense” should be the slogan of the new Republican party. How far they’ve fallen.

    14. Imagine being the doctor in charge of his prescriptions, and having to do your job against this backdrop?

    15. marcopaulodirect on

      If by “realize” he means _make real to themselves_, he’s right. And that’s exactly how it should be if one expects that a majority of people are not easily persuaded or deluded.

      Edited for italics

    16. 2lostbraincells on

      Is this mf not from South Africa? Why is he getting so invested in the USA election then? He’s just an immigrant like the rest.

    17. EmporerPenguino on

      Oh FFS Elmo. Just knock it off. Stupidity posing as wisdom. Hatred posing as concern for democracy. Selfishness posing as willingness to serve. Sit your ass down and STFU.

    18. I would LOVE the Board of Twitter oust Elon. Hes completly ruined the site, but i suspect the drunk the cool aid ages ago.

    19. boooooooooo_cowboys on

      “Republican policies are too unpopular to win in elections. Obviously, this is the Democrats fault and they are cheating!”

    20. I love this!

      This is Elon in his own words. 😎

      He can’t run away from it now… it’s all there in black & white.

      Give them enough rope…

    21. He can’t be this stupid.

      If the population shifts 5% to the left so would both parties. They are supposed to reflect the will of the people not dictate it.

      Any party refusing to do that on the grounds of religious beliefs or the ideological convictions of its elites deserves to die and be replaced by a new party that tries to appeal to a plurality of Americans (including new ones).

      The fact that elections are so close as opinions have evolved over the decades shows that in fact the two parties do this quite well.

    22. I thought this was some rando while reading the thumbnail, then I expand it to see Elon. Yeah, good luck with that.

    23. Why do they think all asylum seekers are Democrats? They fear the government as much as Republicans do. They aren’t coming from Finlamd and Denmark.

    24. Interesting. Didn’t Trump, live, say if we put him in office we would never have to vote again?

    25. If your argument is “immigrants shouldn’t become citizens because they won’t vote for my candidate,” then I don’t think immigrants are the issue.

    26. Man, this is like South Park. “The homeless started buying homes! Now we don’t even know who’s homeless!” Levels of stupid.

    27. The irony is that the author assumes these immigrants would overwhelmingly vote Democrat, but actually Latinos tend to be very religious Catholics and support a lot of the Republican Party values. Recent polling shows that while a majority still lean Democrat, the margin is tighter than it’s been in decades. And in parts of Texas and near Miami, Latinos overwhelmingly vote Republican.

      But of course the author does not truly care if the immigrants vote Republican because he does not want immigrants anyway if it means a less white America.

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