Shade level: Expert

    by MoreMotivation


    1. When this is all over, J.D. Vance definitely deserves to win the award for Most Disliked Vice Presidential nominee in US history.

    2. My favorite part about being the center of the political universe right now is Primanti sandwiches might actually become well-known outside of the region.

      Least favorite part is the mailers.

    3. I just don’t understand why these absolute bozos are “planning on” hosting events without prior arrangements being made with the venue owners. That’s literally step fucking one.

    4. Holiday_Horse3100 on

      I wouldn’t let him pump out my septic tank (although it would be an appropriate job considering how much s—t he spews on his own)much less let him into a business I owned

    5. Cheddarbaybiskits on

      The stupid thing is, there probably wouldn’t have been any issue with him making a stop if it was properly pre-coordinated. Like Harris’ was. Because his staff is incompetent, he looks even worse and Harris gets a free troll opportunity.

      There are no adults in control of their campaign, which I find hilarious.

    6. I think the establishment let Vance in once they discovered what was happening or that it was a legitimate campaign stop. IMHO, it was the right thing to do. Vote blue!!💙

    7. In the most baseline reason thing Vance didn’t even contact the restaurant before deciding it would be his campaign stop and just assumed they’d accommodate.

      They might have if he would have contacted them first.

    8. Doesn’t he have staff to organize these photo ops and make sure shit like this doesn’t happen?

    9. She *excels* at making Trump and Vance look even stupider than they already are. Without even trying

    10. The entitlement the convict worshippers has is amazing. Expecting a small business to front your meet and greet is humiliating to us all. Small businesses have venue rights. The real estate people understand this. Yet a spokesman for the real estate agent is above the small business. These people need to buy their golden icons and work to get to heaven. And apologize to that restaurant for wasting their food when they canceled and ran away.

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