Vote for Kamala but also demand better

    by CartoonAcademic


    1. Harris is trying to win and this is an important issue for many voters.

      Posting this divisive take only helps trump, who is calling for mass deportations of illegal *and* legal asylum seekers and putting serial numbers on people.

    2. This country needs serious immigration reform, it’s about 30 years overdue, and there is no way in hell Trump will be the one to lead that charge. The fact of the matter is that this country NEEDS immigrants. Their labor and tax money is essential to keep our economy healthy. The current number of work visas is about 1/10th of where it needs to be. The market will find the labor it needs (legally or not) or prices are going through the roof. Cutting off illegal and legal immigration will absolutely tank the economy.

      Democrats need to shift policy towards allowing more legal immigration for work and find a way to sell it to the American people. The alternative will be a disaster.

    3. Read the room. Harris is very much the “Lesser Evil” candidate. But the difference is wide.

      Trump wants to do away with Birthright citizenship. He would absolutely deport Dreamers/DACA recipients. He would do away with asylum completely as he thinks it means mental asylums.

      And if he gets 25thed and out, Vance wouldn’t be better on the issue.

      At the same time, Independents are saying there is too much immigration. The flames have been extensively fanned and we as a people have to deal with that.

      It’s Harris or worse.

    4. At this point I dont care if she does better or not. That is something we can talk about later.

      I am voting for anyone that would prevent Trump from being president again. That is my only concern at this moment.

    5. I’m going to be brutally honest with you, boss: I don’t give a fuck about immigration reform when we’re at risk of becoming a fascist dictatorship.

    6. Do any of Dumpy’s supporters live in FL, GA, NC, SC, VA, or TN?

      Because those states are going to desperately *need* migrant workers to rebuild. If the border bill had passed, we would already be in a much better situation on staffing alone.

      We need true reform.

    7. tyranicalTbagger on

      Asking for concessions during election is the only time you have power. If you give away your vote for nothing, you will get nothing. Lots of loser boot lickers in the comments.

    8. The current immigration law was written by the GOP and put in place during the Reagan administration because they wanted cheap labor.

      The current system is out of date, chaotic, and unworkable. Wanting a system that efficiently processes asylum claims and stops the flow of dangerous drugs doesn’t make Democrats anti immigration.

    9. TimothiusMagnus on

      Better yet: Stop intervening in other countries when their elections do not go in favor of US business interests. Start going after employers hiring undocumented immigrants.

    10. Who should I vote for?…

      I feel we need to protect our borders and have serious immigration reform.

      “Oh, well you should vote republican.”

      I support womens rights and I am Pro-choice.

      “Well than you better vote democrat.”

      I feel if the government and law agencies have assault rifles I should be able to own them to protect myself and family.

      “Oh, well you better vote republican than. “

      I also dont want any part of religion being apart of elected officials decisions making

      “Well than you better vote democrat “

      The list goes on and on….

      It’s 2024 why should I have to be forced to select the “better of 2 evils”.

    11. Democrats and republicans have had a pretty strict border policy since GWB. This open border shit is an insane, easily disproven narrative pushed by the Republican Party, and so easily fact checked it’s hilarious. Or would be if so many people didn’t believe it.

    12. This is a “damned-if-you-do and damned-if-you-don’t” situation because, like much law that is constantly amended and not updated, there are so many different ways to interpret the statutes.

      This isn’t even the worst of them. Our tax code is insane.

      Only serious and committed rewrites to so many of these policies will fix anything, and no one has seemed committed to that since the 1990s.

    13. A Kamala win solidifies and moves forward some progressive policies and at least allows for progress or at least the chance of some progress on other policy agendas. That’s in addition to damage mitigation among other factors.

      A Trump win not only gets zero progress on all progressive issue but it actively sets back policies and harms vulnerable populations.

      The Dems old compromise on immigration used to be yes let’s make sure we have a secure border and enforce existing laws but also we need a pathway to citizenship for those who were brought here as children and or have been living peacefully and working here for many years.

      Now Dems have just abandoned that in favor of just stemming the border issue to take that issue off the table. And it’s still not enough for Republicans

    14. Alkyline_Chemist on

      Democrats do understand that we have the right to ensure we’re making the decision on who’s coming to this country, right? That can’t happen if people are abusing the system and coming over here illegally by abusing the current asylum law. Harris is absolutely right on this. Anyone demanding she “do better” has absolutely no idea what’s going on with illegal immigration or they actually do believe in open borders–something republicans and trump has been accusing us of, but up til now has been lying.

      It’s not Harris that has to “do better”

    15. Kamala Harris supports genocide, as does Donald Trump. There is nothing here for the people of the US.

    16. I don’t consider it a concession at all to rewrite at least parts of our now ridiculous asylum laws.

      Most people don’t know, but the only legitimate way to seek asylum in the United States is to set foot on US soil and then make the request. That is why you have such large number of migrants coming here, we give them no choice.

      The most basic of starts would be to allow potential asylum seekers to apply online while they are in their native country. Or at least by postal mail. The current law was written by a bipartisan group of senators and signed by Jimmy Carter, that’s how old it is. It did address some issues at the time but it now creates new ones . We can do better.

    17. Total-Distance6297 on

      When you find out everyone but leftists is ok with secure boarders and legal immigration🤯

      These are good things to most sane people.

    18. Only 1 of the 2 candidates has an extensive history of employing undocumented workers. I suspect he would say that makes him a smart businessman.

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