It’s not funny?

    by snowpie92


    1. SupremeTemptation on

      With six figures, I can just hire someone at minimum wage to open the PDF bottle/can or whatever it is packaged in.

    2. WrongConcentrate4962 on

      This is not even true. If you can do stereo types based on age can we do them on race? What’s the difference? See where I’m going with this?

    3. Guys, there’s more broke boomers that can’t afford to retire than rich ones that fucked the upcoming generations…

      The problem is MONEY, not age.

    4. Behind every boomer there is a millennial who can’t get a job because they are too focused on “prioritizing their mental health”. They can open a PDF but only if their therapist says it’s ok. They have no problem accepting money from the boomers though while they look for jobs that are “personally fulfilling”. Boomers have money because they took jobs that were not personally fulfilling and sucked it up and worked for fifty years, mental health issues and all.

    5. I am a broke boomer that can open a pdf. I did forget how to use a rotary phone. Hmmm put finger in dat hole and…?

    6. I work in IT. I can confirm most C-suite management don’t understand technology or actually know how to run their departments.

    7. Amoeba_Infinite on

      No they can’t open a PDF. They don’t need to.

      You’re going to do it for them, like the cubicle-dwelling corporate wage slave you are.

      Anyone who made it to the C-Suite had a set of skills that got them there. They know how to talk to other executives, make themselves look good, and make the company look good.

      Hard work and technical acumen doesn’t get you anywhere in the world.

      Behind Taylor Swift are a thousand singers with better voices and better songs.

      This is not a meritocracy.

      It’s a high school popularity contest.

      And the sociopaths always win.

    8. Its a cute but tired joke. You can like it or hate it, thats fine. But not sure it belongs in this sub.

    9. John Warnock invented the PDF and he was born in 1940. So, he was in the Silent Generation. Bill Gates was born in 1955, and that makes him a Boomer. All the people who truly “invented” computers died before those guys were even born, no less.

      Still, it is a funny comment that Boomers are feckless with technology. What is more interesting is that Millennials saw society go from analogue stuff to digital stuff at the same time the Boomers and Gen-X’ers did.

    10. SimilarMidnight870 on

      Last time something like this was posted, another comment said – “now you know the value of knowing how to open a PDF” – and it genuinely made me think.

    11. This boomer has been building and using computers since 1980…maybe you should stop whining and get a job.

    12. Ah yes, every boomer is stupid and incompetent. Keep thinking that and you’ll stay a poor failed millennial.

    13. My bank just asked me to send some documents. There were like 10 different PDFs, so not wanting to add 10 attachments I gathered them into a ZIP and attached that instead. I don’t know what I was thinking. I had an answer a few days later to please send only PDFs because they couldn’t handle my chosen format. I mean sure, zip is an extremely exotic format, that’s only been around for what, a few decades?

      Edit: soooo… apparently it’s fine to make fun of boomers who can’t open a pdf but it’s a terrible sin to make fun of people who can’t open a zip. Got it.

    14. enjoythesilence-75 on

      My parents are boomers. Worked their asses off their entire lives. They had me or paid people to do things they couldn’t and retired as multi millionaires. Not sure why anyone would shit on that.

      I know plenty of younger people who have no technical skills beyond their phones or google docs.

    15. fishingwithbacon on

      You can judge people by race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, place of birth, and age.

      It’s all the same mindset.

    16. Disastrous-Panda5530 on

      My dad is a boomer and is very tech savvy. He worked with computers for as long as I can remember. When he was in the military he had a side job, internship where he was repairing and building computers. He was always taking classes, studying and getting certifications in Cisco, etc. did cyber security, networking. Anytime I’ve had problems with my computer or needed to troubleshoot my dad was the go to. Even for my other millennial friends. I did eventually learn a lot from my dad so I don’t rely on him anymore for repairs.

      Now my mom, is also a boomer, and she doesn’t even know how to turn the computer on let alone send an email.

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