Might have something to do with not paying his bills as well.

    by littlerosexo


    1. royhenderson771 on

      He represents the worst of this country and in many aspects, the worst of humanity. The fact that this election will be close and not a complete 50-0 state domination tells a lot about the people that we coexist with. It is embarrassing, shameful, sad and pathetic that so many people are complete morons from head to toe.

    2. Various-Catch-113 on

      It’s easier to fill a small arena and claim there were eleventy million people outside that couldn’t get in.

    3. 1984isAMidlifeCrisis on

      Why would they need security? Shouldn’t the place be jacked to the gills with good guys with guns? Shouldn’t they just rely on thoughts and prayers to protect them?

      It’ll be fine.

    4. whatdoblindpeoplesee on

      Why is he acting like Kamala Harris controls his security detail? For such a “bigly powerful strong genius” he has a difficult time it seems getting what he wants. 

      Instead he only knows how to lose and complain about losing.

    5. Public-Baseball-6189 on

      I can’t get over how much this got under his skin. All of the news headlines about him being a sex offender, felon, failed business man and serial adulterer – and crowd size is what he gets pissed about? This man is not serious. It’s astonishing that so many people take him seriously. Also, master class by the Harris campaign.

    6. I didn’t realize Kamala exerted direct authority over SS security details. I thought the agents he used were generally ‘true believers’ anyway?

    7. JelloButtWiggle on

      As if the VP has anything to do with where his rallies are held. I can’t wait til critical thinking is a thing again.

    8. From is tiny hands to his fragile ego, nothing tRUmp offers to his base is factual. He’s the WWE of politicians,a puffed up, loudmouth who bleats whatever his brain chigger, tells him to.

    9. PastorNTraining on

      You might be asking yourself why a grown ass man over 70 is still obsessing over the crowd size issue,

      Spoiler 🚨 – it’s mental illness.

      The 🍊 is a textbook malignant narcissist and can’t tolerate when attention or his grandiosity is questioned. Because of his mental illness he’s unable to let it go, he needs the narrative to change to keep reality from creeping in.

      It’s not a good look for any leader, unless you want a dictator. Those dudes normally have some sort of narcissistic tendency..

    10. This coming from the guy who said the VP is meaningless…. But yet Kamala is responsible for everything he doesn’t like. Just imagine how effective she’ll be as President!

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