we cant even get girlfriends

    by Sudden_Emotion_8334


    1. Impressive-Koala4742 on

      Ah yes, everyone know that a redditor is 300lbs+, never shower, never touch grass, chronically online, living in their parent’s house at 30s and don’t know what is a woman /s

    2. I know it’s a classic reddit joke but some people on here really don’t seem to know how easy it is to get laid if you give a few fucks about your looks/personality and learn how to approach women.

    3. You do realize the whole “Redditors don’t have sex” meme is in itself a meme about sex on Reddit right

    4. No not “WE” can’t get girlfriends, all of you reddtior incels and femcels can’t get an partner.

    5. No that’s untrue, a lot of redditors have sex and deleting reddit won’t change shit (I know because I did that for a year) what we can’t do tho is understand jokes, I’ve lost count of the amount of times I said something that was obviously a joke and got downvoted because people thought it was serious

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