When you hatred for America is even greater than the love of your own family

    by rhino910


    1. The worst thing about this is, by her wording, she actually understands what a horrible job tRump did with handling covid and, despite her son dying as a result, is voting for him anyway. WTAF is wrong with people?

    2. Wow…this is peak cult loyalty right there…she’s drunk the cool aid and is waiting for the cyanide to kick in as well as volunteering to feed it to others now. This boggles the mind…

    3. RedBeans-n-Ricely on

      This person definitely doesn’t understand why her other children don’t speak to her anymore.

    4. BertieWilberforce on

      This could be my 90 year-old MAGA mother. I begged her to let ‘it’ go for the sake of having a relationship with her grandchildren in her waning days, to say nothing of her eldest child.

      No dice. It is a sickness and depravity of mind.

    5. Dear Universe, I beg you to save me from surrendering my mind and soul to a cult figure where I gleefully sacrifice all my loved ones, and their memory, in the name of some sad clown grifter’s glory.


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