In 1970, Michael Heizer began work on building a mile long monument in Nevada that would take him over 50 years to complete, finishing in 2022. This monument is called ‘City’ and is reminiscent of ancient ceremonial constructions.

    by onlyyoutilltheend


    1. Little bit of trivia: Avril Lavigne wrote a song about Michael Heizer in her early days called “sk8er boi”

    2. Thousands of years from now, scientists will be baffled at what these primitive structures were for, and spend countless hours and dollars studying the location.

    3. It looks like an unfinished skate park construction site.

      Seems dumb to take 50 years to make this completely non-functional space , just so it looks like it’s ruins or whatever the goal was…

    4. Comfortable_Oven_113 on

      Artist: “I designed this Monument to be representative of ancient ceremonial constructs, indicative of the social-statehood of man’s achievements.”

      Archeologist from 2000 years in the future: “And this, little dudes, is United Sam’s most awesome skatepark ever built. They constructed it in honor of the Tony Hawk, a bird native to the area that they worshipped as a Man-God. Our Skatentists grind on it every day to better understand our wicked awesome past.”

    5. $40 million to build. There is a $150 charge to visit on the days they allow visitors. It will take a while to turn a profit!

    6. I’m one of those that loves the desert. To see something like this is just disgusting. The beauty of the desert is that man hasn’t contaminated it. Times are changing, more and more housing tracks are being built on sensitive lands. One man’s treasure is another man’s trash dump

    7. Makes me happy to see every Redditor call it a skatepark 🤣🤣🤣

      That was literally my first thought too

    8. Feeling-Comfort7823 on

      Some scientists 2000 years in the future are rubbing their palms together looking at this…. secured government funding for research for liiife.

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