Twitter user discovers Tomboys

    by FaithfullySwets


    1. Appropriate-Gain-561 on

      It’spax tube, he believes that the US ISN’T a nation of immigrants, that immigrants deserve the hate (despite having italian ancestry and knowing what they went through) and that the crusades were justified, he’s a walking facepalm and nothing he says should be taken seriously

    2. I remember watching this anime, it had to be like one of the worst shows ive ever seen, and i say that as someone who is very, very fond of tomboys

    3. Okay, now that it goes against trans persons, it‘s okay for women to be strong? Aren’t these the same people who are against women in strong roles?

    4. That’s my problem with this type of gender activists. They are so obsessed with gender norms as if they were teleported right from the stone ages. If you don’t fit in your gender – you HAVE to be trans. It’s ironic this people see themselves as a progressivists while being so conservative. I mean there were tribe people who changed their gender thousands years ago but not because they was progressive and free, but because for the primitive society it’s easier to a woman to be considered as men than to a woman to like hunting or something. It’s okay if you’re trans but it’s not okay if you’re sexist.

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