When the math maths, but you wish it didn’t…

    by ActiveCardiologist51


    1. underrated-stupidity on

      I had to check this for myself. Not only is this horrifying and a really really sad measure of humanity, but it’s also true.

    2. How much *cash* does Bezos have? That’s the only metric that works in this “math”, because basing his richness on stock holdings doesn’t account for how much his net worth would decrease if he converted all his assets to USD, which is what **you** would have in this analogy.

    3. Guess by the year 70+ (with good fortune) i would be dead so yeah that makes sense…

      (But seriously, you’ still be like 79-80 billion away from reaching bezos, wich is crazy)

    4. And yet Amazon Prime video is doing so poorly that now apparently I need loud, obnoxious ads every 20 minutes that totally takes me out of whatever show/movie I’m watching

    5. He can accidentally misplace half of his fortune and he would never know it was missing. His bills would still be paid, he could still do or buy whatever he wanted it would not affect his ability to do anything that he does now.

    6. Ineedredditforwork on

      Its not only that the math maths, the discrepency if huge. Ignoring issues like inflations and interest yields, under those conditions you’ll only be ~60% of the way to Bezos, thats a big gap. to close that gap you’ll need a bit over $11.500 per hour just to match Bezos.

    7. More like depressing as fuck.

      I really don’t know how we’re going to fix society without forced wealth redistribution. I don’t like the idea in concept, but it’s starting to look like the only viable solution.

    8. Fun fact: most of it people gave to him voluntarily for his good service (better than was there before).

      Another fun fact: the more rich people accumulate money (providing money printing machine are not going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttt madly), the higher the value of currency you have in your pocket. If they suddenly spend their fortunes (so all you socialist would feel better), value of the currency you saved will go suddenly down. Supply and demand works also for currency (providing there is no mad central control of it that is completely wiping out the normal and natural economic rules).

    9. I mean it’s a crazy statistic, but most money isn’t earned as cash and his “net worth” isn’t in real dollars, it’s in theoretical value.

      Like yes he owns a ton of Amazon stock, but he can’t sell it all and cash out. The stock is what’s valuable. It’s appreciated assets. If you put 10k into the s&p in 1940 right now you’d have 78million dollars.

    10. 1,064,388,960 hours passed since the first day of the Gregorian calendar. Ignoring the fact that the US dollar didn’t exist when Jesus was born or any other time before 1792, as well as inflation, you would have $ 124,178,712,000. Jeff Bezos is worth $ 211,000,000,000. So although you would have a fuckton of money, you would have to work another 1414 more years to have as much as Bezos. That’s absolutely ridiculous, no one needs that much money.

    11. PrecedentialAssassin on

      Sure, but does this account for the loss of 10 days when we shifted from the Justinian calendar to the Gregorian calendar? Checkmate, commies!

    12. Short_Location_5790 on

      17742384 hours in 2024 years, Jeff bezos’ net worth is 205B.

      So 205000000000/17742384 =11,554.253

      You would have to earn 11,554 dollars and 25.3 cents per hour, every hour from Christ’s birth to right now to be as rich as Jeff Bezos


      Also to make as what Bill Gates is worth (269B) you would have to make

      269000000000/17742384 =15,161.435 

      15,161 dollars and 43.5 cents per hour to be worth as much as Bill Gates

    13. RecognitionSweet8294 on

      If you want to be as rich as Elon you must have started earning that when the pyramids of Gizeh where build.

    14. His networth is around 200Billion, meaning at a regular 4% interest rate, he earns 8Billion USD a year.

      This means he could spend 20Million USD a day and his networth would still grow.

    15. if we took away 99.9% of Jeff Bezos’s money he would literally not even notice. he would be able to live the *exact* same lifestyle and affort the same things, all that without working a day in his life.

      a single person simply doesnt *deserve* the amount of money he has.

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