[OC] Karaoke

    by snelse_


    1. I mean Asians love karaoke. Are you saying all Asians should be arrested?

      My wife is Asian and insist on karaoke for every get together, drinks or not.

    2. Arrest the officer too. Bud got a mic out of nowhere. He must be drunk to carry a karaoke mic with him.

    3. I lived in Vietnam for a couple years and karaoke was huge there. Heading into the weekend, yeah I want to drink. No, I don’t want to sing in front of a bunch of drunk people while drunk myself. No, I don’t want to hear drunk people singing to drunk people.

      When I got a call or in-person invitation to go with my friends to karaoke, “No thanks.” I’ll stick to my bottle of booze, video games, and sleeping this weekend.

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