
    by aRandomEddsworldFan


    1. How else are they going to replace the 1000+ soldiers they are losing every day? (Nevermind that a decent chunk of that number is POWs they could probably get back quickly in a peace deal, and this won’t boost soldier counts before Putin is like 95.)

    2. Funny of you to think these are actual elections. It’s easy to win when your main opposition dies mysteriously in prison all the time.

    3. No wonder the Trump MAGA republicans love Putin. Nothing screams alpha male more than wanting to keep women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. /s

    4. How would a ban on child-free living even work? Would people start getting fined at the age of majority until they have a kid? Would they have reverse Maury Povich “you’re not the father” cries of anguish and “you are the father” screams of joy” whenever there’s a question of paternity? At what age do you imprison a person who doesn’t have a kid? What happens if the woman has miscarriage, do the man and woman get partial credit for trying to have kids?

    5. In Vladimir’s Russia, election result does not determine government. Government determine election result. And CNN watch you.

    6. Sion_forgeblast on

      meanwhile in every other country, we got people complaining that they should force people to take a test to get a “have a kid” license

    7. I mean, technically the truth, i guess, he’s not getting elected, he just rigs the vote every time.

    8. MarsupialNo1220 on

      He should probably stop killing off all the men, then. They’re at least 50% responsible for reproduction.

    9. This is what happens when you send wave after wave of conscripts against heavily fortified defensive position – you start losing a lot of bodies.

    10. Who gonna run against him? Anyone who does dies in suspicious circumstances after they’ve been imprisoned or fled the country.

      Honestly, don’t think for a heartbeat that Russia is a democracy.

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