1. Herlander_Carvalho on

      Flies like shit. Donnie uses diapers… I think someone needs to change his diaper.


    2. YouthPotential1442 on

      Absolute trash clickbait article. Headline makes no sense. While Trump’s quoted comments don’t follow logic, neither does the conclusion that he’s blaming the fly for immigration problems. His critics sound just as stupid as he does, same for Kamala. They’re both an embarrassment to the country.

    3. His raspy stupid voice and his nonsense rambling about things he makes up in his head. When will we ever be free of this idiot?

    4. “See, two years ago, I wouldn’t have had a fly up here. But they’re changing rapidly. We can’t take it any longer.”

      Bullshit. I remember the 2020 VP debate vividly, sir.


    5. An illegal immigrant didn’t show up on time to change his diaper, hence flies, hence “lazy illegal Haitians”.

      “We put the Hate in Haitians!”

    6. More than 50 million Americans are steadfastly committed to handing the nuclear codes to a guy who is out of his goddamn mind.

    7. How anyone sane can listen to him whenever he speaks and come to the conclusion that he should be president or even acknowledged is beyond my comprehension.

      Oh that’s right none of his supporters are actually sane.

      At least the time he spent rambling about the fly cut into what takes up 95% his talk time, telling complete bs lies bragging about how great he is. 🤮

    8. His mental capacity isn’t the frightening thing…
      The millions of Americans who believe he’s the best choice to rule America .. now THAT’S the frightening thing.

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