No weirdos allowed

    by suziespends


    1. Last weekend I returned to western Pa, saw 1/4 of the trump signs then in the past. (Houses with trump signs had tons of signs but the number of houses were way down). I saw several house with Harris signs which was the first time ever that I saw democrat signs.

    2. Vance has supporters? Also w to that restaurant, it’s completely their right and just a logical choice to not serve a fascist

    3. How are you going to have a meet and greet type thing and not get it preapproved with the business?

    4. Maximum-Company2719 on

      That’s not what happened. The owners were caught off guard but eventually welcomed him, and any other candidates who want to visit.

    5. Alternate, more accurate reporting –

      JD Vance showed up, without warning, to a popular sandwich joint. They told him they did not allow cameras in their small shop and were not interested in being part of his campaign. Pouting, he spouted “created” stories in the parking lot and paid for drinks for people he claimed were his supporters.

    6. What a dummy. If you’re gonna do a photo op visit you send an advance team to get it ready first. You don’t magically show up, you just make it look that way if you’re professional and competent.

    7. Walz should bring primati brothers to the debate. “Love me some French fries on my sandwich!!”

    8. Mcboatface3sghost on

      These fine folks invented the “let’s put French fries on an already giant sandwich”. Ima give them the benefit of the doubt in almost any scenario, including this one.

    9. If I go to Pittsburgh I’ll definitely be stopping in at Primanti Bros. Good on them for telling Vance to keep out.

    10. NotThoseCookies on

      If you’re going to do a candidate event, you a) get permission, or b) rent the space.

      This is not “guerrilla marketing,” it’s campaigning on a shoestring hoping nobody’ll notice. 🙄

    11. Seriously this is a stupid choice for a campaign stop. That place is fucking tiny and doesn’t accommodate a circus and camera crew well. Their sandwiches rock, but it’s not a location for this

    12. Okay I’m sorry but who is a JD Vance “supporter?”

      Trump, sure. He’s a crazy lunatic that says your life is being destroyed. Classic right wing populist.

      But JD Vance? He is just sort of there.

    13. Soggy_Channel_409 on

      Businesses have a right to refuse customers for any reason. There should be no bitching because that’s what freedom is like

    14. A spokesperson from Primanti Brothers said:

      “Primanti’s prides itself on being a staple of the Pittsburgh community and a proud American business that has hosted sitting presidents, politicians, and political candidates from across the spectrum for over 90 years. Our doors are open to all patrons who wish to dine with us. Without any advance notice, today’s campaign stop caused some momentary confusion for our staff. However, Senator Vance and his team were welcomed into our restaurant shortly after and engaged with our guests inside and on the property.”

    15. That place is tiny anyway. Fuck him and his supporters. I want to eat their delicious food not deal with some asshole and his butt nuggets.

    16. CoconutSpirited6412 on

      I promise you Mr Szypula, the next time I’m in Pittsburgh I will visit your fine establishment !

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