This is Crazy!

    by monaleeparis


    1. To think she used to be calling for a maximum wage and that billionaires should be beheaded or sent to reeducation camps if they couldn’t figure out how to live on a minimum wage… 

    2. Herlander_Carvalho on

      I just ate a bunch of them, yumm yumm! *Delicioso!*


    3. Imagine being such a piece of shit that you get kicked off the TV show that’s literally named after you.

    4. NoConsideration6320 on

      Shes def trolling. Bad press is still press. Still the attention she seeks. And it commented here reaches a wide audience some might believe this bs.

    5. She has no authority on anything. Tucker will just feed everybody’s ego who comes to lie, to try and stay relevant. And Roseanne will show up anywhere trying to stay relevant. Hopefully they will both disappear from the media landscape as soon as Trump loses in November. But I won’t be holding my breath

    6. Certainly she is crazy. What’s nearly as batshit is Carlson saying, “I think you have some authority on this.” WTF?

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