A woman on the phone and not paying attention to the road drove into a 1948 Jaguar XK120.

    by 305FUN2


    1. Totaled an antique that can’t be replaced because of a phone call. I’d be too ashamed for words.

    2. BetAlternative8397 on

      That car lasted 75 years. Then this idiot comes along.

      My rage and grief would be bottomless.

    3. “Im sorry” I think i would have snapped when she said that. No you are definitely not sorry. You are sorry because you got caught on your Motherfucking Phone. Sorry my Ass, as if saying that would fix anything shes done.

    4. This hurts….. I don’t even like jaguars that much but such a historical car being demolished for such an avoidable reason is tragic man.

    5. Sad as it is to see a piece of history destroyed, this could so easily have ended up with someone in the hospital or the morgue. People who use their phones while driving should have their licenses revoked.

    6. That’s the risk you take when you drive these types of vehicles on the same roads as people that do nor care as much as you do.

    7. all accidents must be avoided when driving a car like that. He fucked up – should have seen it coming.

    8. The man is lucky to be alive. Owning a classic car is nice, but every time you take one out on the road, you should presume that even minor collisions can be fatal, You should also never take kids as passengers. Old cars are death traps. And second thing, insurance will cover the value of the car and it will be restored. These cars are never just written off. Sometimes they get restored from a much poorer state than this.

    9. On a straight bit of road too!

      This is the risk of driving classics on the road. Some nufty could run into it.


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