I wonder how this would go over?

    by suziespends


    1. I always say – things won’t be banned for THEM, just us.

      So abortions for the sex worker that the top republican slept with? Their mistress? Cool.

      But not the black single mom in town!

      THEY will still get to sleep with men, while publicly harassing the trans kid who lives next door.


    2. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Fine, but “Molly” stays. Not for me, but a friend… So wild story, I haven’t cleaned under my bed in a long time, and I found some things, things that equate to felonies (no dead bodies tho, that was at the DFW airport Marriott and that’s a different story altogether.

    3. I own shares in a company that’s developed a nasal spray viagra, which works faster than viagra. I would defs appreciate it if they banned viagra

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