She’s trans



    1. She’s a liar. None of that happened, it’s pure propaganda and rhetoric created by the right. She’ll learn eventually

    2. blair white is an internet troll. Who cares what she thinks, she is a female gunther eagleman. I just realized I hadnt heard about her in years and was totally happy forgetting who she is.

      Edit: Isnt this lady trans too? She is the candance owens of trans people. Self-hating just for the grift.

    3. Project 2025 subtly hints at mass executions of trans people. Just look it up.

      Please register for voting. Remind every single person you know. Voter registration ends very soon (in some states). Hurry up. 

      Project 2025 and Trump’s kingship are within the realm of possibility if you don’t vote. Register. Every single friend and family member. Just a small reminder within some small talk. 

      Register until it’s too late and VOTE! 


    4. The lies and exaggerations need to be ended. Kids don’t have sex changes without approval. The number of trans kids playing sports is way less than how many suffer in school shootings and no one controls your speech, but there are consequences. So fucking sick of trumps bullshit and his hateful supporters.

    5. I think somehow he’s right. The major motivation of hate usually is fear of the different. It’s understandable to not know something and be a little upset about what it is. But it’s quite wrong to hate it no matter what. Example, if you ask to a conservative what is communism he doesn’t have a right definition yet he hates it

    6. Ok_Initiative_5024 on

      I’d listen to what she has to say but I’m busy giving a kid a sex change operation at 10a and aborting a toddler at noon.
      Sorry just to busy.

    7. Blair White is just another Grifter who happens the be Trans. She is hoping if the Right likes her song and dance enough they will let her live.

    8. I just watched the movie I Saw the TV Glow and my empathy for those with gender dysphoria went from 100 to 1,000,000. I would say trolls like her should watch it, but she wouldn’t get it.

    9. Iridescent_Lotus on

      God shes the biggest pick me in the world, if she thinks that she should detransiton and just be a fucking man, how any one can be trans and have these ridiculous ideas, grifter pos.

    10. I was sad to learn she grew up 20 miles away from me and went to the same university. I hope she learns before the leopards eat her face.

    11. But jebus forbids anyone calls them nazis because they want to deport all immigrants, kill all women who have an abortion for whatever reason and have the right to shoot any black kid they don’t trust. That is DeMoniZing!!!

    12. Blaire White is a deeply self loathing internet troll who is paid very well to call herself a man on conservative media and give apologetic talking points to right wing politicians.

      She realized a long time ago that as a transgender woman she could grift the right wing hard by being their dancing clown and punching bag, and will say anything that gets her paid in the process.

    13. **“Trans women are destroying womens sports!!!!”**


      **“By competing with unfair advantages!”**

      *”how does that destroy the sport?”*

      **“Cis women are going to lose scholarships to trans women!!”**

      *”so maybe we make more scholarships for women’s sports then?”*

      **“Nooooo! Thats the opposite of what we need! womens sports dont matter, aren’t you listening?!?!”**

      **edit**: the same argument happens with conservatives on damn near any topic:

      **“Guns dont kill people, people kill people!”**

      *”so whats the cause of mass shootings then?”*

      **“These were all mentally ill people”**

      *”so we should have universal healthcare so these mentally ill people get proper medical treatment?”*



      **“Windmills are killing endangered birds!!!!”**

      *”oh, we should probably have more protections for endangered species then..”*



      **“Cancel culture is ruining the country! Corporations are silencing people for political reasons!”**

      *” we should probably have more government oversight of business decisions then..”*


    14. BlackroseBisharp on

      I still remember that podcast she had with Glinner and a bunch of terfs and while they were saying all kinds of heinous shit about trans women she was dead silent.

      If she wasn’t human garbage I’d pity her

    15. There are two things I hate about the women’s sports argument.

      1. Men are disproportionately making it the most

      2. These same men don’t give a shit about women’s sports

    16. MarcheMuldDerevi on

      The women’s sports thing is the weird one for me. Cause it’s A such a small group that is into it it’s not really worth saying much about. B a real dumb reason to go through surgery and HRT. I know there was a swimmer last year, but they fell off real hard and haven’t been heard of in a long time.

    17. I abhorr Will Ferrell movies and his style of comedy… but the dude is a solid friend and person, so… yeah, he’s cool.

    18. She is what we call a token minority grifter. The right loves their token minorities and it can be very lucrative to grift as one.

    19. What blaire is saying makes plenty of sense to me. I think the trans stuff is a mental health issue and it sucks that I will probably be down voted to oblivion for thinking that.

    20. OkNefariousness324 on

      Blaire white “my earliest memories were those of gender dysphoria”

      Also Blaire white “can’t let kids have gender affirming care”

    21. HailToVictors21 on

      What a novel idea. Sorry men who become trans women aren’t wanting to grab your kids. Creeps pretending to be trans maybe. People need to fucking mind their own damn business.

    22. Blaire White is living proof that while being transgender is not itself a mental illness, it’s still possible to be both transgender and mentally ill.

    23. anyone should be allowed to live their life the way that helps them but if ui try to push it on others that’s when it’s no longer ok and that’s what resulted in “Transphobia”

    24. Short-Choice3230 on

      Does anyone else remember the podcast where three other conservative women tool turns telling Blare White to her face that she should de-transition than kill herself? How do you sit through that and not realize something has to change.

    25. No one is giving kids sex chances, women’s sports are doing fine (except when cis women are attacked for looking trans by bigots), expecting basic human decency isn’t “controlling speech.”

    26. Hey Will Farrell, no one wants to hear from celebrities about politics. Leave it to the experts like Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock. /s

    27. MenacingMallard on

      Idk what the fuck these people are talking about. The only people trying to control what I do or say have been republicans.

    28. And……… Will actually thinks people care what his thoughts are? Do they? Why? Care what your parents. siblings, kids spouse think, but a “star” who gives a shit. The guys well below average on what he does for a living anyhow.

    29. This is completely true though. The LGBT community would benefit a lot from not trying to push their ideology so hard, police people’s speech, and push it on kids.

      People really don’t like being told what to say, think, or do. It only creates animosity.

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