Mad Twitter theorists again.

    by RadiantRhythm87


    1. I’m glad you aren’t taking an issue with other shapes like the rectangle and circle. I’m not a Bible historian but I don’t think the Bible ever mentions satanic geometrical shapes. Also I hate to be the one to tell you but your American flag would have 50 of those demon shapes.

    2. Past-Direction9145 on


      E pluribus unum don’t mean nothing to these types?

      freemason is a thing

      e pluribus unum means “From many, to one”

      *That the phrase “E pluribus unum” has thirteen letters makes its use symbolic of the original Thirteen Colonies which rebelled against the rule of the Kingdom of Great Britain and became the first thirteen states, represented today as the thirteen stripes on the American flag.*
      *Original 1776 design for the Great Seal by Pierre Eugene du Simitiere. The shields with 13 initials of the colonies surrounding symbols for the six origin nations England (rose), Scotland (thistle), Ireland (harp), Holland (the Netherlands) (lion), France (fleur-de-lis), and Germany (eagle) linked together with motto.[7]*
      *The meaning of the phrase originated from the concept that out of the union of the original Thirteen Colonies emerged a new single nation.[8] It is emblazoned across the scroll and clenched in the eagle’s beak on the Great Seal of the United States.[8][9]*

      from [wiki](

    3. Even if you believed this, why would you be worried about a group who couldn’t even get their symbol right?

    4. Not saying they aren’t looney or anything. But it would honestly be hilarious if they’re actually right. Like this entire country was born out of this bat shit insane conspiracy of satan lmao.

    5. Herlander_Carvalho on

      Oh no! Shapes and Geometry! Humanity’s biggest threat!


    6. I see a good enough pentagram inside a good enough pentagon. Seems they were building this on a tight budget and probably figured nobody would ever notice it’s unfinished because it’s not like people will ever be able to see it from the sky or anything. And if anyone did notice the Architect could just cover his ass by saying “it’s intentionally symbolic, of like, how America is also forever a work in progress; A dream struggling always to fully realize the greatness in itself, or something like that…”

    7. SeriousPlankton2000 on

      Legend says it’s George Washington and the Freemasons. No, that’s not a band but it could be a good band name..

    8. Nope. Not complete. Over by the 6, there’s a line missing. The ritual cannot be completed. Not today (or 70+ years) Satan!

    9. Acceptable_Weather23 on

      You know the 5 pointed star is on our flag. It was painted on whet vehicle tank a fighter plane and bomber during WWII why is is an evil thing at the same time it is a sign of good. How is this.

    10. DaFlyingMagician on

      Curious what they think about our money saying “In God We Trust”. Are we “satanic” or what?

    11. First they are ignoring the majority of the roads. Secondly the point as 6 is nowhere where it would need to be. Third the point at the White House would need to be far further up so the point is correctly elongated.

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