The man trying stomp out free speech.

    by DJMagicHandz


    1. It really all kind of makes sense when you see old pictures of him. The guy is doing Revenge of the Nerds cosplay.

    2. Big_McLargeHuge10 on

      I’m not a conspiracy person, but jesus, if there ever was a lizard pretending to be a human, there it is!

    3. Existing_View4281 on

      He looks like one of those babies who had their cranium extended to look like aliens in Peru.

    4. Given his “After” picture, you wouldn’t think his “Before” picture could be worse, but it is.

    5. He looks like the annoying cousin you ignore at family gatherings because he doesn’t know how to act polite and just pokes everybody in the side and farts near you for laughs.

    6. AdvancedHat7630 on

      Crazy that he has enough money to reverse aging but 250 bill is still too short to get his kids to talk to him

    7. Constantly speak publicly like you are a champion of free speech, then limit free speech more than it has ever been limited on the platform you now control. The dummies on your side of the political spectrum will believe it, because they are the only opinions that aren’t getting censored. (And because they believe anything said by the wealthy people they idolize)

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