Oh no, consequences

    by AndyJack86


    1. ![gif](giphy|LkcIVUmf1qoUM)

      The stupidest way to protest. If you want to make people dislike your movement, do this. Negative press is, sometimes, just negative.

    2. I’m all for making changes to fix climate change, but this just makes me dislike those who are fighting for it. Great job morons

    3. “The act itself was a work of art…”

      As we Germans say: Is this art or can we get rid of it?

      I think we can get rid of it.

    4. Ijustlovevideogames on

      Yeah, destroying something that has absolutely nothing to do with our movement will surely get people on our side. Morons.

    5. Ok op but did you think they didn’t think they’d be arrested

      I’m guessing they knew they would be arrested

    6. There is a conspiracy that just stop oil was created by big oil to take legitimacy away from anti-oil movements. Which is saying something to just how much people think what they’re doing is just pointless and stupid.

    7. Just stop oil means well, but they sure manage to turn people away from environmental activism with their stupid actions. Do they really understand so little about their subject? It hasn’t been about awareness for decades, because public awareness has zero impact on the politics of the ruling class. It’s not complicated. Yet somehow these kids thought soup on art was a good idea.

      The fossil fuel industry couldn’t make a better psyop if they tried.

    8. The fact that people care more about a stupid painting then the end of the world is the problem. The protesters are ineffective, not because of their methods, but because the world is completely apathetic to our plight.

      It’s the same thing with Greta Thornberg. She draws attention to the fact that the world is being systematically destroyed by capitalist greed, and people just come away thinking she’s annoying.

      People live in fantasies where the only things that exist in the whole world are the things directly in front of their faces. Climate change is pretty much THE problem of the future, people will literally die, and all the world cares about is a fuckin painting. Are they stupid or something?

    9. Turbulent-Bug-6225 on

      It’s not like they were surprised by the consequences.

      Also feel its important to point out that this is basically the only way they can get any publicity. They’re going up against oil companies. They do a shit tonne that isnt this but you never hear about it because surprise surprise, oil companies are exceedingly rich.

      Also worth pointing out that people tangentially related to just stop oil are having their houses raided and getting arrested in the middle of the night. Regardless of whether they committed any crimes.

    10. I wonder if there will be any consequences for oil companies that are killing the planet.

      Probably not

    11. While I wholeheartedly support the climate protestors – we definitely need more of those – I don’t get the connection, why go after Van Gogh’s artwork? Was he a supporter of Big Oil and/or other big polluters?

      I mean the impact of oil-based paints on climate change would have to be minuscule compared to autos, airplanes, major factories, industrial factories, that rely on Big Oil products, etc. In that case going after the big manufacturers of plastics (micro-plastics pollution) makes more sense to me rather than defacing a fine work of art!

      I support the climate protestors’ right to protest, just not the way they went about it in this instance.

    12. Ruining someone else’s art to “make your own” is disgusting. I’m glad someone is finally making an example of these weird ass protestors. Now for the USA to get busy and make some examples of people burning cities down.

    13. Cool_Butterscotch_88 on

      Well I hope the judge at least consulted a skinny guy with perfect posture and a turtle neck & tiny glasses, before doing something rash without having done his due diligence.

    14. Its funny how this has probably had a net zero benefit to their cause. They get tonnes of publicity, but none of it is good, the expression “no such thing as bad publicity” can be true, but not when its a recurring theme of mindless vandalism. If they directed their efforts towards the culprits they’d be making a kickass change. Instead they’re a meme, and becoming a meme in todays world is worse than bad publicity. The furries had a tonne of bad publicity..who the f wants to be like them? They got memed into oblivion and then became ostracized due to their way of life. These “just start oil” people all fit the unfortunate bill of people who make easy targets for social media which doesn’t help their case.

      For people that make public displays like this:
      Their reasons why get dampened out by the meme itself. It’s not traditional media anymore, the stupidity or the reasons why something or someone is/are flawed are highlighted and caricatured beyond any semblance of recognition. Its essentially the modern day version of that one popular kid in school that picks on everyone else and propagates lies and rumours that eventually become memes within the schoolground, haunting the target for their entire time in the place.

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