Ukraine is using “Vampire” drones to drop robot dogs off at the front lines

    by MaimedUbermensch


    1. Waste of money, but it’s not about money or the war effort. It’s about R&D and trying tech out in a live battlefield.

    2. OneMadChihuahua on

      The pieces are all there. It’s simply a matter of time for some nation/state to put them together.

    3. Ok-Entertainment1123 on

      I get the feeling the US is testing out military tech in real battle situations over there.

    4. rectumrooter107 on

      This is for all those people posting how great Boston dynamics robotics are… soon they can come after you.

    5. MrUltraOnReddit on

      The Ukraine war is the best thing to happen to the weapons industry in years. Close to Europe so easy delivery and a playground to “dispose” of old stock and test out new toys.

    6. Justintimeforanother on

      Bout time they did something with all that cool tech from the arm they found in the 90’s.

    7. Oh look, those robot dogs that everyone said would eventually be used for war (but Boston Dynamics insisted that wasn’t the case), are now being used for war

    8. cheesyandcrispy on

      Regardless of ones position in the war: shit like this being normalized is scary af. It will be much easier for the powerhungry and greedy rulers to initiate wars when ”needed” and this is obviously, non-ironically, one of the first steps towards a Skynet-like dystopian future.

    9. Funded by Americans! For Americans! Gotta love a Proxy War, so they can test out dystopian weaponry before it’s used back home! lol

    10. pmmemilftiddiez on

      Imagine a plane dropping 300 of these things and there’s 10-20 planes.

      You could basically have full on robot wars

      Metal Head from Black Mirror

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