Hey, New York Times: Do your fucking job!

    by j641x


    1. There is nothing “normal” about Trump. Nothing. He is weird and so are those who support him. He is dangerous and so are those who support him. There is not a single positive thing about him, not one.

    2. The NY Times used to be the best example of journalism. Now it’s just a pro-crime, pro-GOP, and pro-felon Trump yellow journalism rag

    3. SchrodingersTIKTOK on

      Aren’t some of the NYT shitfuck reporters that push his normalization here? AMA request mfers

    4. franchisedfeelings on

      It’s about time these pompous assholes who normalize the felon get taken down. Journalists are on the tip top of his retribution shitlist, too.

    5. I feel like both sides feel the exact same about the other side and the “journalists” that are portraying political view points not facts

    6. IamPartiallyBacon on

      This is great, but can we stop for a sec and appreciate the guy holding the “Unfit” sign upside down on the right side of the picture? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)

    7. o-Valar-Morghulis-o on

      Bring back fairness doctrine and apply it to any media or social media streamers with 100000 or more followers.

    8. Their daily podcast is decidedly left leaning, without actually saying that they’re left leaning.

      I’ve only been listening to it for a couple years but they quite regularly have stories on Trump and the dumb/criminal things he does

    9. More outlets need to highlight his last “economic speech” where he spent time fondling and making kissing noises to a invisible chart and talking about how he sleeps with it. Why? Because that was fucking weird.

    10. Ok_Outcome_6213 on

      My husband, who is a Trump supporter that has slowly been coming around to the Kamala side, asked me last night “Why is no one talking about all this?” once presented with the evidence used against him in the rape that he was found liable for. I just asked him to look into who owns these news companies and guess which politician they support.

    11. Pinheaded_nightmare on

      NYT hasn’t been a legitimate news outlet for a while. We hold the power, just stop using NYT.

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