A mindblowing view of Earth from the SpaceX Crew Dragon in orbit

    by Cosmic-Chen


    1. After reading and watching about development of civilization, not only does the view of Earth fascinates me but it also really makes me thing how far we have come and how far we will go. It is incredible.

    2. “We used to look up at the sky wondering about our place in the stars. Now we just look down, worrying about our place in the dirt.”

    3. Why they can’t make the window bigger? It will be a view that changes everybody’s life, but yeah, cost, safety…

    4. CompetitiveYou2034 on

      Propose required visit to Space for all presidential candidates.

      Gives them an increased perspective on the beauty & connectedness of our world.

      Bonus: Removes physically unfit candidates who can’t stand say 3G acceleration

    5. I concede this is pretty cool especially if you try yo put yourself in the astronaut’s shoes but, mind blowing?
      You do know we have people in space since before cellphones, right?

    6. I had to google. “Has Elon Musk been to space” , he has not! Probably would never get a neuro link eithier!

    7. Candid-Race-7988 on

      So with the shutters, how long can a person stay and look out the dome ? Is there a higher radiation level ? I would want to look out every moment I could 🌏

    8. Space Tourism – future desert people thank you for your pollution. They didn’t want to farm or live above ground anyway

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