I cant post the link to show proof of whatever this is but it is easy to google

    by SiWeyNoWay


    1. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

      So RFK incinerated his reputation into ashes.

      Now he is taking those ashes and sticking them up Junior’s asshole.

    2. MrIrrelevantsHypeMan on

      They’ve already lost their freedom we should not subject prisoners to this cruel and unusual punishment

    3. Commercial-East4069 on

      I mean a real patriot would train an eagle, but falcons are cool, if you don’t love America.


    4. Will we be stopping for a light snack of bear cub meat, or do we have to wait for the whale head feast at the end?

    5. Real salt of the earth guys. After my typical 15 hour shift at the ball crushin fabtry I go home and either do falconry or fox hunts. This speaks to me.

    6. ![gif](giphy|ZWZ69DESwCa9q)

      Hey, “winner”, better get your paper work in order. Raptors don’t like these guys.

    7. Pretty sure their idea of falconry involves hunting humans down, and because RFK is involved, probably eating them once the birds are finished.

    8. We’re trying our best not to make fun of them, but, JFC! Why do they keep doing this hilarious stuff?!

    9. DollarStoreDuchess on

      I mean I’d totally pay to watch hungry birds eat these two morons, is that part of the experience?

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