Disgusting Video Shows Sewage Pipe Burst, Drenching Busy Highway in Human Waste

    by WhattheDuck9


    1. >Shocking video taken in Nanning, China shows the moment a septic pipe bust, sending human waste exploding over 30 feet into the air and raining down on commuters on a busy highway. And the footage is certainly not for the faint of heart.

      >The Sun reports that the incident occurred around 11 a.m. on Tuesday at a construction site where newly-laid sewage pipes had just been installed. The rupture was believed to have been caused by engineers conducting a pressure test. Authorities said that no one was injured in the blast, however the eruption was apparently so powerful that a piece of heavy construction equipment reportedly flipped over at the site.


    2. OutOfOrderAgain on

      Is it just me or does the cloud of shit have the same hue as Diaper Don’s bronze? Would explain the odor people keep complaining about.

    3. HeadbangingLegend on

      Honestly though, can you imagine how much illness and disease this is going to cause?? I’d be so fucking paranoid to breathe anywhere in that city.

    4. bramletabercrombe on

      I always love how “human” waste is the most vile waste to be covered in. Really says something.

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