If this doesn’t sway you to vote against MAGA and their psychotic agenda, you’re too far gone

    by ExactlySorta


    1. yes this is part of the republican platform and stated explicitly in project 2025. They want a federal database for ALL information related to a woman’s pregnancy — including miscarriages and abortions.

      Page 455 of project 2025:

      >Because liberal states have now become sanctuaries for abortion tourism, **HHS should use every available tool, including the cutting of funds, to ensure that every state reports exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother’s state of residence, and by what method. It should also ensure that statistics are separated by category: spontaneous miscarriage; treatments that incidentally result in the death of a child (such as chemotherapy); stillbirths; and induced abortion**. In addition, CDC should require monitoring and reporting for complications due to abortion and every instance of children being born alive after an abortion. Moreover, abortion should be clearly defined as only those procedures that intentionally end an unborn child’s life. Miscarriage management or standard ectopic pregnancy treatments should never be conflated with abortion.


      if conservatives get any of this data, they will prosecute women for having miscarriages, not just abortions. this is already a common occurrence in conservative states.


      # A Black woman was criminally charged after a miscarriage. It shows the perils of pregnancy post-Roe


      # More than 200 pregnancy-related prosecutions in first year post-Roe


      # Losing a pregnancy could land you in jail in post-Roe America


    2. Republicans, especially MAGA, are a dead weight on our society.

      Their collective ignorance is choking our democracy.

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