Hey, New York Times: Do your fucking job!

    by FunkYouInParticular


    1. account4garbageonly on

      There is nothing “normal” about Trump. Nothing. He is weird and so are those who support him. He is dangerous and so are those who support him. There is not a single positive thing about him, not one.

    2. everythingbeeps on

      All media has been negligent in treating Trump like a regular political candidate instead of a criminal who is only running for office to stay out of prison.

      This whole time they’ve been acting like this is just another normal presidential election. Wondering what his “policies” will be.

      You want to know what his policies will be? Pardoning himself, giving himself another massive tax break, and then throwing us to the christo-fascists who will dismantle the country piece by piece while he goes golfing.

      Those are his fucking “policies.”

    3. I’m sure bothsider Peter Baker will write an article about their protest. It will include commentary from Kellyanne Conway, mention President Biden’s age, and ask why “border czar” Kamala Harris never accomplished anything.

    4. inbetween-genders on

      That’s probably what their job is….normalizing Trump. Like someone’s paying them to do that lol.

    5. Here let’s start fact checking liars in real time and stop acting like Trump is normal (remember Jimmy Carter had to give up his peanut farm , but Trump doesn’t have to reveal debt, tax info and can sell shit while in office and his SIL can get 2 billion and no questions)

      Let’s be done with this terrible era of awful people getting away with everything (yes on “both sides” Nancy P should be investigated got insider trading just like her GOP mates and Trump should have to answer the Epstein and rape allegations)

    6. Turns out if you look into their history they were never “left-wing”, they were just touted as such because the right wing was so fucking crazy. So they shifted farther to the right.

    7. It’s important to fascists to be perceived as normal so by the time people notice their rights have been taken away it’s too late.

    8. There is nothing worth risking the lives and livelihoods of people here and abroad for some clicks and likes

    9. CapAccomplished8072 on

      Wow…THAT is what it takes for people to finally criticize that anti-semitic washrag of a newspaper? the end of times for america?

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