In 1975 Karen Carpenter, the vocalist of “The Carpenters” was ranked the best drummer in the world. This is her at age 18

    by copitamenstrual


    1. yep. led zepellin wanted to give john bonham the boot when they heard this? give ur head a fuckin shake..

    2. She is very talented but best drummer in 1975? Bonham was still alive among many other insane drummers.

    3. I’m not too impressed by this drumming. Stewart Copeland, John Bonham, Keith Moon, heck even old man Ringo would like a word…

    4. Cranialscrewtop on

      Whoever rated her the best drummer in the world in 1975 was completely out of their mind. Better than John Bonham? Neil Peart? Russ Kunkel? Buddy Rich? Max Roach? Hal Blaine? Bernard Purdie? GInger Baker?

      I love Karen Carpenter, btw. But rating her the best drummer in the world is just ridiculous. She’s not in the top 100.

    5. So many painful road trips as a child in the early 70s listening to the same Carpenter’s Greatest Hits tape over and over. I never knew this!

    6. IOnlySayMeanThings on

      Me: “OK, I see how it is, these poor past-people don’t know skill, it’s cute! We give them credit because- OH! Damn. Fuck, ok. She’s pretty good.”

      I also don’t drum. I play banjo. Is she doing shifting patterns or is this really hard?

    7. Karen was so freaking accomplished! She was a crazy good drummer, and along with her hauntingly beautiful voice, she could sing in three different octaves – soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, and she did it well!

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