Gay society

    by OnaTaia


    1. TheMagnificentRawr on

      I didn’t start this post with ‘hi’ and I’m very, very gay indeed. Something doesn’t add up.

    2. Turbulent_Athlete_50 on

      I changed 90% of my kids diapers and we both work. Honestly, I was way better at it and that was it. Just like my wife plans all our activities and vacations because she crushes that shit. Co-parenting means both of you.

    3. At this point there is *literally* nothing that doesn’t make one gay. Hell, the other day I saw a stupid ass post that said making to a woman is gay as shit. I was like, “the fuck?”.

    4. Straight happily married male here. I have friends that I jump and clap and yell hi to….. does that make me gay?

    5. But the true mystery is that she did not tell us what she thinks a heteronormative man should say when he greets people.

    6. TristanChaz8800 on

      She’s hating on such a Chad statement because he said “Hi”. Women like her and fucked up incels are made for each other.

    7. Ok_Breakfast5425 on

      Hi. I’m a man that is attracted to women, it’s good to know that despite that I am indeed gay because I said “hi”.

    8. I’m 100% sure Megha wouldn’t know a decent husband if one slapped her in the face. Which coincidentally is probably what her husband does.

    9. OrangeChihuahua2321 on

      Imagine my embarrassment when my husband blinked. Like I’m so embarrassed, he blinked…in public!

    10. omghorussaveusall on

      considering i come from a generation where parents had minimal investment outside of discipline…i will gladly stand for modern, engaged parenting.

    11. Green_Archer_622 on

      holy shit, i just read her feed and she might be the worst person on the entire internet 🤮

    12. Will Rodgers (iirc) said a man is never so tall as when he stoops to help a child. I’m sure that father of 8 is pretty tall and not concerned one bit about his masculinity. People who make everything about sexuality are often devious and disturbed in addition to hiding something.

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